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The change in temperature is +39 degrees Celsius, as the final temperature (23°C) is higher than the initial temperature (-16°C). Elevation is not relevant in this context since it remains constant.

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Q: Find the change in temperature or elevation from -16 degree celecius to 23 degree Celsius?
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Does mass and weight change with altitude or elevation?

Mass does not change with altitude or elevation because it is a measure of the amount of matter an object contains. However, weight can change with altitude or elevation because it is the force of gravity acting on an object, and gravity is weaker at higher altitudes.

Why do some stars change elevation more than others?

Stars appear to change elevation due to the rotation of the Earth, causing different stars to move in and out of view. Stars near the celestial pole change elevation less as the Earth rotates, while stars closer to the celestial equator change elevation more as they cross the sky from east to west.

How does the air temperature change in the mesosphere layer?

The air temperature in the mesosphere layer decreases with increasing altitude. This is because the mesosphere is the coldest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, with temperatures decreasing to as low as -90 degrees Celsius at the top of the layer. The decrease in temperature is primarily caused by the decreasing density of gas molecules at higher altitudes in the mesosphere.

What is the surface tempriture of earth?

As you will know, it varies across the planet.The average temperature of Earth's surface has varied between 13.8 and 14.6 degrees Celsius (56.8 and 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit) during the period from 1950 to 1999.In the year 1999, the average global temperature was approximately 14.4 degrees Celsius (57.9 degrees Fahrenheit).The highest recorded has been 56.7oC and lowest -89oC. These temperatures are dry bulb temperatures.By comparison the core of the Earth is estimated to be between 3400oC and 7000oC, hotter than the melting point of steel (around 1500oC) The average temperature is 14° C. That's 287 kelvin, or 57.2° F.As you probably realize, that number is just an average. The Earth's temperature can be much higher or lower than this temperature. In the hottest places of the planet, in the deserts near the equator, the temperature on Earth can get as high as 57.7° C. And then in the coldest place, at the south pole in Antarctica, the temperature can dip down to -89° C.The reason the average temperature on Earth is so high is because of the atmosphere. This acts like a blanket, trapping infrared radiation close to the planet and warming it up. Without the atmosphere, the temperature on Earth would be more like the Moon, which rises to 116° C in the day, and then dips down to -173° C at night.Earth's surface temperature can varies from place to place ofcourse, the current weather also plays a huge role. Then there's the fact of global warming and the sun.All these are usually in constant change but Earth's temperature on average is about 28-34 degrees Celsius.

Why can an aneroid barometer measure elevation as well as air pressure?

An aneroid barometer measures air pressure using a flexible metal chamber that expands or contracts based on changes in air pressure. As elevation increases, the air pressure decreases, causing the metal chamber to expand. By calibrating the device, the change in chamber size can be used to estimate the change in elevation.

Related questions

How does temperature change as you climb up a mountain?

As you ascend the mountain the atmospheric temperature will decrease by about 6.5 degrees Celsius per 1 km (that is why the tops of high mountains have snow on them).

What is the change in average temperature between January and July if January's average temperature is 9 degrees Celsius and July's average temperature is 16 degrees Celsius in America?

The change is 7 Celsius degrees (NOT degrees Celsius).

If the temperature changes by K by how much does it change in Celsius?

To convert from Kelvin to Celsius, simply subtract 273.15 from the temperature in Kelvin. So if the temperature changes by K in Kelvin, it will also change by K in Celsius.

If i have the initial and after temperature how would i be able to find the change in temperature?

You can find the change in temperature by subtracting the initial temperature from the final temperature. For example, if the initial temperature is 20 degrees Celsius and the final temperature is 30 degrees Celsius, the change in temperature would be 10 degrees Celsius (30 - 20 = 10).

How many feet does the temperature change by 1 degree Celsius?

The temperature change of 1 degree Celsius is equivalent to approximately 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that the temperature would change by 1.8 feet when converted from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

If the temperature changes by 100k by how much does it change in celsius?

To convert kelvin to celsius, you need to subtract 273.15 from the temperature in kelvin. Therefore, a change of 100K is equivalent to a change of 100°C in celsius.

Gases kept at constant temperature if its temperature is change from 50 celsius to 100 celsius by what factor does the factor change?

The temperature factor increases to 1.1547, approx.

What is the temperature change when you heat water from 35 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius?

Please try to use your brain to solve simple questions such as this one. The change in temperature is simply 100 - 35 = 65 degrees Celsius.

A substance has a temperature change from 20 degrees celsius to 45 degrees celsius. This corresponds to what temperature change in Fahrenheit degrees?

20 degrees Celsius is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. 45 degrees Celsius is 113 degrees Fahrenheit. So 25 degrees change Celsius = 25 x 1.8 = 45 degrees Fahrenheit. 1 degree change in Celsius is equivalent to 1.8 degrees change in Fahrenheit. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of Temperature Units".

How do you change the temperature gauge from Celsius to Fahrenheit on a Buick Lacrosse?

I need to know how to change the temperature gauge from Celsius to Fahrenheit on a 2012 Buick LaCrosse

Which is a larger change in temperature a change of Celsius degree or 1 Fahrenheit degree?

A change of 1 Fahrenheit degree is equivalent to a change of 0.55 Celsius degrees. Therefore, a change of 1 Celsius degree is larger than a change of 1 Fahrenheit degree in terms of temperature difference.

If the temperature changes by K by how much does it change in degrees Celsius?

A change of 1 kelvin is equivalent to a change of 1 degree Celsius, as they have the same unit size. So, if the temperature changes by K kelvin, it will change by K degrees Celsius.