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The sun emits pretty much all frequencies (colors) of light, and it appears white when viewed from space (like in orbit around earth). That energy consists of high frequency (blue and violet) light and low frequency (yellow and red) light as well as the rest of the spectrum in between. What actually happens is that the higher frequency light is much more likely to be scattered in the atmosphere than lower frequency light. Scattering is the term applied to the light when it is absorbed by an air molecule and then re-emitted in a random direction. This means that the violet and blue light is much more scattered than the lower frequencies. And the light that reaches our eyes directly from the sun has had violets, blues and greens "scattered out" of it. The reds, Oranges and yellows are the frequencies that we see looking directly at the sun, and this is why it has its characteristic color.

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The sun emits white light because it is a combination of different colors, including yellow. When sunlight passes through our atmosphere, the shorter blue wavelengths are scattered more widely, giving the sky a blue color. This scattering makes the sun appear more yellow or orange when we see it on the horizon, but its overall emission spectrum is still white.

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Q: Explain why the sun emits white light although it is yellow in colour?
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What color will a star be with a surface temperature of 5000-6000K?

A star with a surface temperature of 5000-6000K will appear yellow-white. This temperature range corresponds to a star that emits a significant amount of visible light, with a peak intensity in the yellow-white region of the color spectrum.

What real color is the sun?

The Sun appears mainly yellow due to the Earth's atmosphere scattering light. In reality, the Sun emits light across all visible wavelengths, which is a combination of many colors. If viewed from space, the Sun would appear white.

What colors and all colors is the the sun?

The sun appears yellow/orange to us due to the Earth's atmosphere scattering light. However, the sun emits light in all colors of the spectrum, but its peak intensity is in the green portion of the spectrum.

What gives the sun its color?

The sun appears yellow because of the Earth's atmosphere scattering sunlight, which makes it appear reddish-yellow. In reality, the sun emits light across the entire visible spectrum, but shorter wavelengths (blue and violet) are scattered more by the atmosphere, leaving yellow and red light to reach our eyes.

What is the color of the sun?

The Sun has a spectral type of G2V. It's colour is yellow. But although the Sun gives off most of its energy in the yellow-green frequencies, the light emitted is effectively white. The yellow color and apparent texture come from the scattering of its light by Earth's atmosphere. This is evident in photographs from space. The actual granulation is invisible except under magnification, and sunspots are not discernible as 'darker' by the human eye (this requires heavy filtering). Green Sun? The surface temperature of the Sun is about 5,778 Kelvin (although it's spectrum is not a perfect black body) you can see from graph [See related link - Star spectrum) that our Sun at that temperature is actually a pinkish peach! The only known green star is Beta Librae [See related question] but it's not actually green as the answer will show - and also the graph.

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A star with a surface temperature of 5000-6000K will appear yellow-white. This temperature range corresponds to a star that emits a significant amount of visible light, with a peak intensity in the yellow-white region of the color spectrum.

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The Sun appears mainly yellow due to the Earth's atmosphere scattering light. In reality, the Sun emits light across all visible wavelengths, which is a combination of many colors. If viewed from space, the Sun would appear white.

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The sun appears yellow/orange to us due to the Earth's atmosphere scattering light. However, the sun emits light in all colors of the spectrum, but its peak intensity is in the green portion of the spectrum.

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