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The relationship between plants and an atmosphere suitable for sustaining life is that they are both provide food, and shelter

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โˆ™ 11y ago
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โˆ™ 1w ago

Plants play a crucial role in creating an atmosphere suitable for sustaining life by producing oxygen through photosynthesis. Oxygen is necessary for the respiration of many living organisms, including humans. Additionally, plants help regulate levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is important for maintaining a stable climate. Without plants, the atmosphere would lack the necessary oxygen levels to support life as we know it.

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Q: Explain the relationship between plants and an atmosphere suitable for sustaining life?
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Is the atmosphere always the same Explain why or why not.?

No, it is consntly changing due to weather patterns and pollutant in air.

What is the relationship between altitude and air pressure to explain why rescue helicopters have a difficult time flying altitude above 6000 m?

An inverse relationship.

There is no atmosphere on the moon. Explain on the basis of escape velocity?

The moon's escape velocity is lower than the average velocity of gas particles in its atmosphere, so the moon cannot retain an atmosphere as the gas particles would escape into space. This is why the moon has no significant atmosphere.

Will parachuting work on the moon?

Well the wiki user said โ€noโ€ that is correct but the reason is partially correct as you can see the planet earth as an โ€œatmosphereโ€ that is the start where gravity starts pulling on the earth there is enough gravity on the earth than on the moon so no you will not be able to on the moon because the moon as a atmosphere it just doesnโ€™t have enough gravity so no it will not work. if you do not understand let me know by putting a confused face than I will explain further and easier for you to understand.

Is the atmosphere always the same explain why or why not?

No, the atmosphere is not always the same. It can vary in composition and characteristics due to factors like weather patterns, human activities, and natural events like volcanic eruptions. These variations can impact things like air quality, temperature, and precipitation patterns.

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