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yes it does

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2mo ago

No, the sun does not turn around. It appears to rise and set in the sky due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The sun itself remains relatively stationary in the center of our solar system.

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Q: Does the sun turn around
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Related questions

What is one turn around the sun called?

One turn around the sun is called a year.

Why does the earth turn around the sun?

because if the earth did not turn around the sun we would never EVER have daytime, only nightfall.

Why is the earth and moon a sphere?

no ,They are in turn around the sun

How long does one turn take for the sun around the earth?

The Earth goes around the Sun in 1 year.

What planet makes a complete turn around the sun first?


How many days does the earth need to turn one complete turn around the sun?

365 days

How will it look when the earth goes around the milky way?

Earth spinning around the sun, the sun in turn spinning around the milky ways spiral arm which contains it.

Which pupils planet make acomplete turn around the sun first the last?

MERCURY, because its near from the sun and NEPTUNE, because its far from the sun.(that's the right answer!)

How many days does the sun revolve around the moon?

Sun dosen't revolve around moon. The Sun never revolves around the Moon. The moon revolves around (orbits) the Earth. In turn, the Earth revolves around the Sun. The Sun (and the rest of our solar system) revolves around the Milky Way. It takes approximately 29.5 days for the moon to orbit the Earth, approximately 365 days for the Earth to orbit the Sun and approximately 226 million years for the Sun to orbit the Milky Way.

When will the sun turn into liguid nitrogen?

The Sun will never turn into liquid nitrogen.

How long does it take for Saturn to revolve around the sun?

It takes Saturn equivelent to 29 years to complete a full turn around the sun and it takes Saturn 10.5 hours to complete a turn on its axis. (Therefore a year on Saturn is equivelent to 29 years on Earth and a day on Saturn is 10.5 hours)

Does earth move counter or clockwise around Sun?

Earth moves counterclockwise around the Sun when viewed from above the North Pole. This direction is also known as the eastward direction.