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No , you just cant see it because the earth is rotating and the sun cant "go down" because it doesnt move.

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2mo ago

No, the sun does not actually go down. The Earth rotates on its axis, making it appear as though the sun is setting.

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Q: Does the sun really go down when it sets?
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When does the sun go down?

The time the sun goes down varies depending on your location and the time of year. Generally, the sun sets in the evening after it passes below the horizon line. You can check a local weather service or use a sun tracking app for the specific time in your area.

Why is it not correct to say that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west?

While the Sun appears to rise up from the horizon in the east and go back down below the horizon in the west, it is not actually moving around the Earth. We see the Sun "rise" or "set" because the Earth rotates so that the part we are on turns to face the Sun or face away from the Sun.

Does the sun set?

The concept of the sun setting is a result of Earth's rotation, where the sun appears to disappear below the horizon due to the curvature of the Earth. The sun itself does not physically move or set; it is the Earth's motion that creates the illusion of sunrise and sunset.

Where does the sun go down every evening?

Well, isn't that a lovely question. The sun travels across the sky during the day, and when it sets in the evening, it appears to go down below the horizon. It's like the sun is just taking a little break until it rises again to bring us another wonderful day.

How fast does the sun go down?

The apparent speed at which the Sun "goes down" is due to the Earth's rotation, which takes approximately 24 hours to complete. This rotation creates the illusion of the Sun moving across the sky and "setting" in the west.

Related questions

Which direction did sun go down?

The sun sets towards the West and rises towards the East.

What makes the sun go up and down?

The sun is not really going up or down, but the Earth is rotating and revolving around the sun. So the sun isn't really moving, but instead it is the Earth.

Is sunrise after sunset?

well... when the sun rises... thats when the sun comes up... when the sun sets.. the sun comes down... it can go either way honestly... but sunrise is before sunset in my opinion

What make the sun come and go down?

The Sun doesn't really go up and down. This is an APPARENT movement, caused by Earth's rotation around its axis.

Is twilight before or after the sun rises?

After; It's sometimes known as the magic hour when it's just before the sun sets and all the colours go really vivid and beautiful.

Does it get bark in Florida. I want to know if the sun shines day and night in Florida. Does the sun ever go down?

It does get dark in Florida. The sun shines only during the day and sets during nighttime.

When you watch a sunset is the sun really going down?

No, the sun appears to go down due to the Earth's rotation. As Earth rotates, the sun becomes hidden by the horizon, creating the illusion of the sun setting.

When does the sun go down?

The time the sun goes down varies depending on your location and the time of year. Generally, the sun sets in the evening after it passes below the horizon line. You can check a local weather service or use a sun tracking app for the specific time in your area.

What makes the sun go down?

The sun doesn't go down We go round.

What time does the sun go down in Denver in June?

On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.On the 21st of June the sun sets at about 20:31 in Denver Colorado.

If the sun sets in the west then why are the sunset towers in the east?

my best guess having just the name to go by is so the sun sets on a specific side of the towers.

What is an asprobes?

astroides that go past the sun or are moving really fast that they light on fire and come down to any planet