

Does the moon control the gravity?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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Everything that has mass has gravity, even you. The Moon has its own gravitational pull as does the Earth.

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Why does moon control the tides?

by the gravity pulling it in and out

What is the values of the moon?

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How does the moon crontrol gravity on earth?

No. The earth has its own gravity. The lunar gravity causes tides on earth, but does not control earth's gravity.

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Gravity. No Gravity causes them to drift around and have no control over were they are going.

Why there is no gravity in moon?

There is gravity on the moon.

How does the flag stay on the moon if there is no gravity?

The flag on the moon stays up due to its structure. It has a rod along the top edge to keep it extended and in a flat position, giving the appearance of flying in the wind. There is some gravity on the moon (about 1/6th that of Earth), which also contributes to holding the flag in place.

How moon produce tides if there is no gravity on moon?

The moon does have gravity. Surface gravity on the moon is about 1/6 what it is on Earth.

Why does not the moon have gravity?

The moon does have gravity but it is much weaker it hase 1/6 of the earths gravity. wihout it how do you expect the men on the moon to stay on the moon?

Why doesn't the moon have any gravity?

The moon does have gravity. Surface gravity on the moon is about 1/6 what it is on Earth.

Is there gravitiy in the moon?

Yes, there Is gravity on the moon. It is not as strong as the Earth's gravity (it is about 1/6 of the Earth's gravity), but, Yes, the moon does have gravity.

Why is gravity on earth and not the moon?

There is gravity on the moon. The moon's gravity is much weaker than Earth's because the moon has less mass.

What are the problems of no gravity on the moon?

There are no problems. The moon has gravity.