Tides on Earth are caused by the fact that while the Moon is orbiting the Earth, the Earth is also orbiting the Moon. (Because the Earth is much larger than the moon, the Earth moves much less than the Moon does.) The Earth is relatively solid, but the oceans of the earth are liquid.
The different orbital distances of the ocean on the moon-side of the Earth and the ocean on the far-side of the Earth mean that the oceans actually move in different orbits than the Earth itself does, but the water is moving at the orbital speed of the Earth itself. An object farther out from the center of the orbit will fall out away from the center, while an object inside the orbital distance falls toward the center of the orbit.
This causes the liquid oceans to "bulge out" as each water molecule tries to follow its own path ir orbit around the Moon, toward the Moon on the inside and away from the moon on the far side.
The same forces act between the Sun and the Earth, and the tides we see are a blend of the orbital motions of the water under the influence of the Moon and Sun's gravity.
So to answer the question directly, tides are higher at New and Full moons when the Moon and Sun are more-or-less lined up and their orbital forces add up, and less at the quarters of the moon when the orbital forces are at cross-angles to each other.
Mass is a constant everywhere in the universe. The weight on the moon is about one sixth of the weight on the earth, because the mass of the moon is about one sixth of the mass of the earth reducing the force of gravity.
Because when I look up from the Earth, the surface of the Moon looks like nothing on Earth.
Yes, if it is nighttime and the sky is clear, a full moon can be seen from anywhere on Earth. The visibility of the moon may be affected by factors like weather, city lights, and obstructions on the horizon.
The Moon does have gravity, but its gravitational force is only about 1/6th that of Earth's. This is because the Moon is much smaller and less massive than Earth. The effect of gravity on the Moon is still strong enough to affect objects, including causing tides on Earth.
no , depending on your climate of the area you are around during moonrise will affect the brightness of the moon but not the color.
Right now ... January 12, 2010 ... the moon is in the late waning phases everywhere. "New Moon" will occur on Friday 1/15, and the moon will then begin to 'grow' again. Everybody, everywhere on earth, sees the same moon phase on the same date.
In that case, you would also see a half moon if you could see the moon at all. The moon is in the same phase for everywhere on Earth, so if you can see it at all, you're seeing it in the same phase that anyone else on Earth is seeing.
Because the moon itself is never visible everywhere on Earth at the same time. When there is an eclipse going on, half of the Earth, and all of the people on that half, are turned away from the moon, and looking the other way.
No, the gravitational constant on the Moon is not the same as on Earth. The gravitational constant depends on the mass and radius of the celestial body. The Moon has a lower mass and radius compared to Earth, resulting in a weaker gravitational constant on the Moon.
The earth.
The same as it is on Earth and everywhere else for that matter. Your mass doesn't change.
Mass is a constant everywhere in the universe. The weight on the moon is about one sixth of the weight on the earth, because the mass of the moon is about one sixth of the mass of the earth reducing the force of gravity.
It doesn't
To see the Earth, look down. To see the Moon, you have to be outside and look at the sky. Note that the Moon is not always above the horizon.
I don't know if its the same everywhere else, but in Canada or british Columbia or blah i live in Vancouver and it happened here. the say the earth was closest to the moon was on September 20th 2010. it wont happen again till 2022 or something like that AND I MISSED IT it was pretty sad.
The Moon's orbit around the Earth is an ellipse. The Earth doesn't go around the Moon at all.