

Does Poseidon exist

Updated: 6/28/2024
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11y ago

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Um...the Greek god...No he doesn't, and he never did. Though it would be cool if he did.

He was one of the supernatural beings that the ancient Greeks came up with to explain the movements of the weather and other unexplainable happenings.

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1w ago

Poseidon is a god in Greek mythology and not a being that exists in the physical world. Mention of Poseidon is found in ancient texts and stories as part of Greek mythology.

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At full lengh, his trident was 39.7 feet long. Of course, since Poseidon didn't ever exist, his trident also didn't exist.

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No, I can not agree with Poseidon as he does not exist and therefore can not hold an opinion.

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You can tell you're a daughter of Poseidon easily...look in a mirror and see if you exist or not.

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If you believe in Greek mythology, yeah.

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Poseidon's Roman equivalent was Neptune. Posedon did not exist.

What killed Poseidon?

Poseidon really didn't get killed, Gods never die, or at least, immortals don't. They just keep coming back. Poseidon doesn't exist today because it's a myth.

Who is Poseidon to Athena?

In Greek mythology when Athena is the daughter of Zeus, Poseidon being the brother of Zeus, is her uncle. However, myths exist which make Poseidon the grandfather of Athena when she is the daughter of his son Triton, or Poseidon is the father of Athena when her mother is Tritonis or Polyphe.

Is this Myth of Poseidon still alive does he still exist to the Greek mythology?

Poseidon never died in Greek Mythology, being a god both immortal and ageless he can not die.

Did Poseidon exist?

yes poseidon is real he is god of sea hurricane and volcanoes and horses along with ares zeus aphrodite athena hermes apollo artemis are all real but sadly they got over took by romans

How do you find Poseidon?

Poseidon is a figure from Greek mythology, so you can learn more about him by reading ancient Greek texts like the Iliad and the Odyssey. You can also find information about Poseidon in books about Greek mythology, or by exploring websites dedicated to Greek gods and goddesses.