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Rockets generally work better in the space as compared on air. This is because there is no air resistance on the space.

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Rockets work better in space than in air. In space, rockets don't have to overcome the resistance caused by air, allowing them to achieve higher speeds and more efficient propulsion. In contrast, in the Earth's atmosphere, rockets have to fight against air resistance which hinders their performance.

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Why will a rocket work in space when there isn't any air?

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Can a helicopter work in space?

No, only specially designed rockets can go up into space. As soon as a helicopter reaches our atmosphere boundaries, it would burn up. Rockets on the other hand, have been specially made to hold such extreme temperatures. :)

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Why will a rocket work in space where there is not enough air for other vehicles to operate?

Vehicles such as airplanes and cars rely on oxygen from the air to burn their fuel. Rockets take the oxygen with them.

Why will rocket work in space where there is not enough air for other types of vehicles to operate?

Vehicles such as cars and places operate by burning some sort of fuel using the oxygen in the air. Since there is no air in space, rockets must carry the oxygen with them.

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Jets need air in order to work. Look at the jet engines on an airliner, and you'll notice that the front of the engine is wide open . . . to take in large gulps of air and mix it with the jet fuel. There's no air in space, so jets don't work there.

How many air craft are there in the National Air and Space Museum?

350 planes, over 250 rockets space craft and self guiding missiles.

What will rockets be used for in the future?

Rockets, help us today because they can take us to space which is miles away from Earth. We don't use space shuttles today because they use up all their gas really quickly and it takes a long time to get to space by space shuttles so instead of space shuttles we have rockets that help us today to get to space.

Can compressed air work as a purpulsion system in space?

Compressed air would not work as a propulsion system in space because it requires the presence of a medium, such as the Earth's atmosphere, for propulsion. In the vacuum of space, there is no medium to push against, so compressed air would not produce any thrust. Space propulsion systems typically rely on methods such as chemical rockets or ion engines that do not require an external medium.

Why rockets are launched into space using jet propulsion where exhaust accelerates out from the rocket and the rocket accelerates in an opposite direction?

Rockets are launched using jet propulsion because it follows Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The exhaust expelled at high speed propels the rocket in the opposite direction. This allows the rocket to overcome Earth's gravity and achieve the necessary velocity to reach space.