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Not in our solar system. Nor have any been found elsewhere to date.

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Minerva Orn

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Q: Do other planets have an atmosphere like earths?
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Which planets are called earth twins?

Venus and Mars are often called Earth's twins because they are rocky planets like Earth, but they have different environments. Venus has a thick toxic atmosphere, while Mars has a thin atmosphere with extreme temperatures.

How does the composition of earths atmosphere differ from the composition of the atmospheres of the gas giant planets?

Earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen, with trace amounts of other gases like carbon dioxide and argon. In contrast, the atmospheres of gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with smaller amounts of methane and ammonia. Gas giant atmospheres have a much higher proportion of hydrogen compared to Earth's atmosphere.

Why is the Earth's surface warmer than the surface of other planets like Mars?

The Earth's atmosphere traps heat.

What is atmosphetic?

It seems like you might be referring to the term "atmosphere." The atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds Earth and other planets. It is crucial for supporting life, providing oxygen, and regulating temperature.

How do we use the other planets?

We use other planets for scientific research, such as studying their structure, atmosphere, and potential for life. Additionally, some planetary resources, like water on Mars or helium-3 on the moon, could be tapped for future human exploration and colonization missions. Some planets, like Venus, can also provide valuable insights into the study of climate change.

Related questions

Why do you think that astronomers are considered to be Earths Scientists?

Because they study many planets and their geography and atmosphere, in Earth Science you study the geology of Earth just like Astronomers study geology of other planets.

How does the composition of earths atmosphere differ from the composition of the atmosphere of the gas giant planets?

The Gas Giants have a deep gas atmosphere and earth have a not so deep atmosphere

Does the earth have a nucleus?

yes like other planets earths core or ''nucleus'' is like the center of an apple a core

Which planets are called earth twins?

Venus and Mars are often called Earth's twins because they are rocky planets like Earth, but they have different environments. Venus has a thick toxic atmosphere, while Mars has a thin atmosphere with extreme temperatures.

Do planets have Ozone?

Earth has an ozone layer in atmosphere. It is present in the stratospheric region. Other planets which have oxygen in their environment might have ozone.Some planets like earth do. Others might have.

Do any other planets have an atmosphere like earths and if they did could it support life?

Some other planets, such as Venus and Mars, have atmospheres, but they are very different from Earth's. Venus has a thick atmosphere with extreme heat and pressure, while Mars has a thin atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide. Both planets are unlikely to support life as we know it due to their harsh conditions.

How does the composition of earths atmosphere differ from the composition of the atmospheres of the gas giant planets?

Earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen, with trace amounts of other gases like carbon dioxide and argon. In contrast, the atmospheres of gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with smaller amounts of methane and ammonia. Gas giant atmospheres have a much higher proportion of hydrogen compared to Earth's atmosphere.

Do any other planets have an atmosphere that shelters it from the sun's rays?

yes, some other planets like Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have atmospheres

Do all planets have wind?

Not all planets have wind. Wind is caused by the movement of gases in an atmosphere, so planets without a significant atmosphere, like Mercury or the Moon, would not have wind. Additionally, the intensity and frequency of wind can vary greatly depending on factors such as atmospheric composition, temperature gradients, and surface features.

What is the atmoshphere like in the inner planets?

Mercury has no real atmosphere, so it's a bit like the moon in that respect. Venus has a very thick atmosphere of mainly carbon dioxide, it has a huge surface pressure of around 93 bar, around 93 time that of earths. Earths atmosphere is mainly nitrogen (79%) and oxygen (20%) with some carbon dioxide (1%) roughly speaking. Mars has a thin atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide.

How does the composition of earths atmosphere differ from the composition of the atmosphere s of the gas giant planets?

The Earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen, with trace amounts of other gases. In contrast, the atmospheres of gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn are mostly made up of hydrogen and helium, with smaller amounts of methane, ammonia, and water vapor. The composition of gas giant atmospheres can also vary depending on their depth and temperature.

Does the earth rotate like the other planets?

Yes the Earth does rotate like the other planets (except for the distance of the rotation(assuming your talking about the rotation around the Sun); the wobble of the Earths axis compared to other planets; and the time it takes to rotate)