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No. The light we see from comets is reflected sunlight. Comets are composed of ice and dust, and do not give off any radiation, visible or otherwise. Because of their high ice content, and the water vapor they trail as they travel toward the sun, they are highly reflective.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

No. Like all other planetary bodies, comets are visible only when they reflect the light of the Sun. In fact, most comets are too small and dark to be visible at all, except for the clouds of dusty gas that form the coma and the tail of the comet when it is near the Sun.

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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Comets do not have their own light. The light we see from comets comes from the Sun's rays reflecting off of the coma and tail of the comet as it travels through the solar system.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

when they get close to the inner solar system because the sun heats the comet.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

nope the sun lights everything

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Caused by heat not by reflecting the sun

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Do planets stars and comets shine as a result of reflected light?

No, planets, stars, and comets shine due to their own sources of light. Stars produce light through nuclear fusion in their cores. Planets and comets can also reflect light from the Sun, but they do not emit their own light.

Do comets shine as a result of reflected light?

no Bkuz comets arnt used as mirrors. Ignore that. Yes, comets shine due to reflected light because they do not produce their own light, much as our moon reflects light from the sun causing it to shine in the sky.

What effects does the sun have on comets?

since the comet is made of ice, when it gets nearer to the sun it melts down because of the heat of the sun

Can planets make their own light?

No. Neither do any of their moons, and neither do any comets or asteroids.

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Objects that reflect light include planets, asteroids, and comets. The Sun emits light as it is a star. Meteors are visible as they burn up in the Earth's atmosphere, reflecting some light. Stars emit their own light through fusion reactions.

Are commets brighter than stars?

No. Stars generate their own light, and are far more massive than any comet. Comets don't shine at all; they merely reflect the light of the Sun. From our perspective here on Earth, some comets appear to be brighter than stars, but only because the comets are here in THIS solar system, relatively nearby, while stars are many light-years away.

Why are comets interesting to astronomers?

by its light

What are the icy objects that light up the light sky?


How do comets shine?

Comets shine due to the reflection of sunlight off their icy nucleus and dust particles surrounding it. When a comet approaches the Sun, the heat causes the nucleus to melt and release gas and dust, forming a glowing coma and tail visible from Earth.

What type of radiation does a comet emit?

Comets emit primarily visible light, infrared radiation, and ultraviolet radiation. These emissions come from the heating and vaporization of their surface ices as they get closer to the sun.

Do comets emit ultraviolet rays?

Yes, comets can emit ultraviolet rays as well as visible light and other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. When comets approach the Sun, they are heated, causing gases and dust to vaporize and emit a glowing cloud or coma around the comet's nucleus. This glowing cloud can emit various types of radiation, including ultraviolet rays.