Oh, what a wonderful question! Asteroids typically don't have tails like comets do. See, a comet's tail forms from the gases heating up and being pushed away by the Sun's radiation. But asteroids don't have much gas, so they don't develop those beautiful long tails streaming behind them as they travel through space.รโรณ
Asteroids themselves do not have tails. Tails are typically associated with comets. Comets are chunks of icy debris left over from the formation of the solar system that orbit the Sun. When a comet gets close to the Sun, the heat causes the ice on the surface of the comet to vaporize, releasing dust and gas.
The solar wind, a stream of charged particles flowing from the Sun, then blows this material away from the comet, creating a tail that points away from the Sun. This tail can be quite dramatic and can stretch for millions of kilometers as the comet gets closer to the Sun.
Asteroids, on the other hand, are rocky or metallic objects that orbit the Sun. They do not contain significant amounts of ice like comets, so they do not form tails when they get close to the Sun. Instead, asteroids are typically inert and do not undergo the same kinds of dramatic changes that comets do when they approach the Sun.
In summary, asteroids do not have tails, and tails are a characteristic feature of comets caused by the vaporization of ice and the interaction of solar wind with the released particles.
Well, friend, an asteroid is a solid rock or metal object in space, while a comet is mostly ice and dust. The tail of a comet forms when the Sun heats up and releases materials from the comet, creating that distinctive trail like a cosmic painting. So, no, an asteroid doesn't have a tail like a comet, but both are fascinating to observe in our big beautiful universe.
No, the Sun's gravity does not directly cause asteroids to move. Asteroids move through space due to their own inertia and the gravitational influence of other bodies such as planets and moons. The Sun's gravity can affect the trajectory of asteroids if they come close enough to it.
Because there is no air - which would normally create friction and slow the object down. It's the friction of the amtosphere, combined with asteroids speed which causes them to glow as they come close to the Earth.
Yes, meteors can have tails. The tails are formed when the meteor enters Earth's atmosphere and heats up, causing the outer layer of the meteor to vaporize and create a glowing trail of gas and dust behind it.
Asteroids form in space through a process called accretion, where small particles of rock and dust come together under the force of gravity to create larger bodies. These bodies can be remnants from the early solar system or fragments from collisions between larger objects.
Comets develop a tail as the sun's energy vaporizes substances such as ice and dry ice that form the comet. Asteroids lack these substances and so do not devlop tails.
Yes. They often grab other elephants' tails to form a big line when migrating so they dont get lost.
Well, friend, an asteroid is a solid rock or metal object in space, while a comet is mostly ice and dust. The tail of a comet forms when the Sun heats up and releases materials from the comet, creating that distinctive trail like a cosmic painting. So, no, an asteroid doesn't have a tail like a comet, but both are fascinating to observe in our big beautiful universe.
they form by using my right leg to shake so much that science does not matter anymore and also my leg still aches.
Asteroids Minerals Asteroids are made of Rocks,Craters and other Asteroids So .... most sciientist bielieve they are remanings of planets not formed
If its Tails as in Miles Prower-- Tails was born naturally with two tails, so the answer is no. Tails will only and always have two tails no more or less, he won't and cannot grow another one.
Presently we do not have the technology to do so.
Meteors are pieces of asteroids or whole asteroids in the earths atmosphere only. Written By, Brainiocity
their tails are bushy becauese of their weight.
Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the Sun and are commonly found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Occasionally, asteroids can come close to Earth as they travel through our solar system. If an asteroid were to impact Earth, it could have devastating effects depending on its size and composition. Scientists actively track and monitor asteroids to predict any potential impacts and develop strategies to mitigate any potential threats.
it's because that they were asteroids that was bigger then Pluto so it was hard to find out which is Pluto and which are the asteroids
Asteroids have very little gravity, no atmosphere, and no protection from solar radiation. So they cannot support life.