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Stars emit various types of radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet light, infrared radiation, and X-rays. Additionally, stars also emit radio waves and gamma rays. The type and amount of radiation emitted by a star depend on its temperature, mass, and stage of evolution.

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Q: Different types of radiation that stars emit?
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Which types of electromagnetic radiation do all stars emit?

Optical light

What other forms of radiation may come from stars?

Stars can emit various forms of radiation, including ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Sun-like stars emit primarily visible light and some ultraviolet radiation. More massive stars can also emit X-rays and gamma rays.

What type of radiation do stars emit?

Stars emit various types of radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and infrared radiation. They also emit X-rays and gamma rays. The type of radiation emitted depends on the temperature and composition of the star.

Which forms of elctromagenitic radiation do stars emit?

All forms.

What are the three types of radiation emitted from plutonium?

Isotopes of plutonium emit different types of radiation. For the most common isotope, plutonium-239: alpha particles and neutrons from spontaneous fission.

Some neutron stars that emit pulses of radiation called?

Some neutron stars that emit pulses of radiation are known as pulsars. Pulsars rotate rapidly and emit beams of electromagnetic radiation from their magnetic poles, which are observed as regular pulses when they sweep across the Earth.

Why do stars emit radiation?

Stars emit radiation due to the process of nuclear fusion occurring in their cores. In this process, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing an immense amount of energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation, including light and heat which is emitted from the star.

What type of radiation do nuclear weapons emit?

Nuclear weapons emit various types of radiation, including gamma radiation, neutron radiation, and thermal radiation. These forms of radiation can have harmful effects on living organisms and the environment.

Is alpha radiation emmitted by all radioactive substances?

No, not all radioactive substances emit alpha radiation. Alpha radiation consists of helium nuclei (two protons and two neutrons) being emitted from the nucleus of an atom. Some radioactive substances emit alpha radiation, while others emit different types of radiation such as beta or gamma radiation.

What are massive celestial bodies of gases that emit heat and light by radiation?

Massive celestial bodies of gases that emit heat and light by radiation are stars. They are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gases, and the nuclear fusion reactions occurring in their cores generate the heat and light that they emit.

What type of energy do stars emit?

Stars emit electromagnetic radiation, which includes visible light, ultraviolet light, infrared radiation, and X-rays. This energy is produced through nuclear fusion reactions at the core of stars.

Are the stars dangerous in space?

They can be. Stars are very hot and can emit harmful amounts of radiation. At the same time, without stars there would be no life.