When the moon pulls on different parts of the Earth it causes tides
the moon changing toward the earth at different faces of the moons and different time and years.
Earth's moon is very large in proportion to its planet. It is just over one quarter of Earth's diameter. While several moons in the solar system are larger than our moon, they orbit much larger planets.
Mars has 2 moons, Jupiter has 79 moons, Saturn has 82 moons, Earth has 1 moon, Uranus has 27 moons, and Neptune has 14 moons.
Jupiter has four moons that orbit it. the names of these moons are IO (eye-oh) Callisto, Europa and Ganymede.Time taken for the moons to orbit Jupiter:IO- 1.7 Earth yearsCallisto- 16.7 Earth yearsEuropa- 3.5 Earth yearsGanymede- 7.1 Earth years
earth is the the only plznet that has one moon
the tides and gravity
Neap, Spring, high and low tides.
The moons gravitational pull on the Earth
It have two moons
The moons gravitational pull on the earth lifts the Earth's oceans causing the ebb and flow of the tides.
none cause the moons smaller than earth
No, the planets have different number of moons, from zero to about 60-70.
You would research the moons of both planets and then draw up a table showing the characteristics of all three. The table would illustrate their similarities and differences.
There are no moons in Earth. But around Earth, yes. There is one.
the moon changing toward the earth at different faces of the moons and different time and years.
No, there are not moons or stars ON planet earth, but there are moons and stars around planet earth. == ==