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Q: Did sally ride want to be an astronaut?
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What country does Sally Ride represent?

Sally Ride was a US astronaut.

Why did sally ride become a scientist?

Sally Ride was not a scientist, but the first female astronaut.

What are the nicknames of Sally Ride?

Trailblazing Astronaut and Mustang Sally

What were Sally ride's obstacles?

She was a astronaut and she was a scientist

The first female astronaut?

Sally Ride

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What sport did Sally Ride do as a child?

She was an astronaut

Was sally ride only a astronaut?


Did Sally Ride have any children?

No Sally Ride does not have any children. Sally Ride was an American astronaut. She died on July 23, 2012.

Who was Sally Ride's first husband?

Sally Ride's first husband was Steven Howley he was also an astronaut.

When did Sally Ride become an astronaut?

Sally Ride became an astronaut in 1978 when she was selected by NASA as part of the astronaut class 8. She became the first American woman in space when she flew aboard the space shuttle Challenger on June 18, 1983.

Where did Sally Ride worked?

Sally Kristen Ride (born May 26, 1951) is an American former astronaut who in 1983 became the first American woman to reach outer space. Sally Ride is the most bravest American woman I have ever heard of. Because I really would not do that, but I think it would be fun and really being an astronaut is a hard job. So if you want to be a astronaut, then you need to have the gut's to be one. Ok so Sally Ride is a really importent job so really think about it.