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yes...people did land on the moon.

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8mo ago

Yes, people did land on the moon. The Apollo missions, led by NASA, successfully landed astronauts on the moon between 1969 and 1972. There is clear evidence, including rocks brought back from the moon and data from various experiments, to support these historic moon landings.

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N.A.S.A did not fake the moon landing at all.

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No, the moon landing was not faked.

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Nobody. All 12 people to land on the moon were men. The last one landed in December, 1972.

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All the photographs taken of Apollo 11 on the moon are very much real, thwere is nothing fake in it at all.

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i wish if i could say yes to all the saddos but their fake retards

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No Latino has landed on the moon to date. The first and only humans to have landed on the moon were part of the Apollo missions by NASA, which were all carried out by non-Latino astronauts.

Is there any land on the moon?

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Did Japan land on the moon?

No. Only 12 men have ever walked on the moon, and all these were American.