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no, Thomas Edison invented the projector.

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Thomas Armat did not invent the projector, but he did work on the development of early motion picture technology in collaboration with Thomas Edison. Armat and Edison had a legal dispute over the invention of the projector, leading to the creation of the Vitascope, which is considered one of the early motion picture projectors.

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Q: Did Thomas Armat invent the projector?
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Who was the inventer of the projector?

Thomas Armat in 1893 invented the projector

Did Thomas Edison invent the Motion-Picture Projector?

Thomas Edison did not invent the motion-picture projector. He is credited with inventing the phonograph and the incandescent light bulb, but the motion-picture projector was actually invented by Thomas Armat and C. Francis Jenkins in 1895.

Who inviented the projector?

Thomas Armat in 1893 invented the Kinetoscope aka the Projector.

Who created the kinetoscope projector in 1893?

Thomas Armat

Who invented the kinetoscope projector in 1893?

Thomas Armat invented the projector in 1893.

Who invented projector 1893?

The projector was invented by Thomas Edison in 1892, when he developed a device called the Kinetoscope. This early device was a precursor to the modern projector, which displays moving images on a screen.

What is the vitascope?

Vitascope is an early film projector which was debuted in 1895 by Charles Francis Jenkins and Thomas Armat.

What was the name of the scientist who made film projector?

The film projector was invented by Thomas Edison, an American inventor and businessman. Edison's creation allowed for the projection of moving images onto a screen, revolutionizing the entertainment industry.

Where did Thomas Edison invent the projector?

new york

When did Thomas Edison invent the projector?

Thomas Edison did not invent the projector. The first projector was developed by Eadweard Muybridge in the late 19th century to display his photographic motion studies. Edison's contributions were more focused on inventions like the phonograph and the light bulb.

How old was Thomas Edison when he invented the movie projector?

Edison did not invent the movie projector. Charles Francis Jenkins and Thomas Armat have the patent for the original motion picture projector...The Phantoscope, initially designed by Jenkins alone. The projector was sold to Edison whom re-named it the Vitascope and began using it to show motion pictures in a NYC theater in 1896. For marketing purposes, Edison put his name on it. But, he did not invent the projector. There were various other devises and inventors that made pictures move in a more primitive fashion. Jenkins' Phantoscope, which used flim and electric light, is considered to be the one that ushered in the modern era of motion picture projection, with design and principles still used today.

When did Thomas Edison invent the kinetophone?

Thomas Edison did not invent the kinetophone. The kinetophone was actually developed by Thomas Edison's competitor, Thomas Armat, in collaboration with C. Francis Jenkins in 1894. It was an early motion picture sound system that synchronized sound with moving pictures.