Apollo was known to have three wives in Greek mythology. His first wife was Coronis, who bore him a son named Asclepius. His second wife was Leucothea, a sea goddess. His final and most famous wife was the Titaness Leto, the mother of his twin children, Artemis and Apollo.
Apollo was close friends with Hermes, the messenger god, and with Hercules, the legendary Greek hero. He was also often depicted with his twin sister, Artemis, who was also a fellow Olympian deity.
Apollo had a of nymphs who loved to preform music and art with him, along with his own 'Muses'. Apollo was also very close to his sister Artemis. Apollo had a number of consorts and even children. Apollo and Pan were said to have a good friend-ship due to their love of music, wine and love of women.
In Greek mythology, the most common version states that Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo, was the one who killed Orion. There are different accounts of the story, but Artemis is usually depicted as the one who struck him down either accidentally or deliberately. Would you like to ask anything else?
In Greek mythology, Apollo doesn't necessarily hate Hephaestus. They have their disagreements and conflicts like any other gods, but they do not have an intense hatred towards each other. Gods in mythology often have complex relationships with each other that can vary depending on the specific story being told.
Artemis and Eris do not share a myth, so we can not determine if they liked each other.
Zeus probably liked them both the same. He entrusted Apollo with more significant powers than any other god. Zeus gave Artemis everything she wanted when she was a young goddess.
No, Artemis was his only direct sibling. Since he is the son of Zeus, he would have many half sisters like Athena and Helen.
Yes. Both Kid Flash and Artemis have romantic feelings for each other :)
artemis his twin sister
Apollo and Zeus - her brother and father.
Yes, both Apollo and Artemis were very loyal and loving to their mother Leto.
No. Athena was a virgin goddess like Artemis and Hestia and Apollo ever got married.
It would be hard to say. From reading the books, Apollo's personality is very flirtatious, and he has many children at the demigod camp, which implies he would not be sticking to Thalia. Another thing would be as Thalia is a huntress of Artemis, she pledged to turn her back on the life of men. I think yes
Artemis was presented and described many times as Goddess of the Moon and her brother Apollo as God of the Sun.
Orion the hunter and Artemis the goddess of the hunt really liked each other. One day Artemis' twin brother Apollo who was jealous of Artemis decided to get rid of Orion. Apollo took the chance when Orion was out swimming in the sea. Apollo said to his sister "I bet you can't hit that rock over there in the water." Artemis, who couldn't stand being challenged to shoot the "rock" in the water, took her bow and fitted an arrow and shot the rock. As soon as the "rock" sank out of view, Apollo informed his twin that she had just killed Orion. Artemis felt so bad that Apollo helped put his picture in the stars. That constellation is known as the hunter constellation.
He was Apollo, the god of the sun, music, and archery.