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Yes. Alan Bean and Charles Conrad walked on the moon as part of the Apollo 12 mission.

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Yes, the Apollo 12 mission successfully landed astronauts on the moon in November 1969. The crew consisted of astronauts Charles Conrad, Richard Gordon, and Alan Bean.

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Q: Did Apollo 12 astronauts land on the moon?
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Did Richard Francis Gordon from Apollo 12 land on the moon?

No the astronauts to land on the moon in Apollo 12 were Charles Conrad and Alan Bean.

How many Apollo astronauts were on the moon?

There were a total of 12 astronauts who walked on the moon.

How long did Apollo 12 stay on the moon?

Apollo 12 was on the moon for about 31.5 hours, with astronauts Charles Conrad and Alan Bean conducting two moonwalks totaling 7 hours and 45 minutes. They landed on the moon on November 19, 1969, and lifted off to return to Earth on November 20.

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How many astronauts wolked on the Apollo moon landing?

A total of 12 astronauts walked on the moon during the Apollo missions, from 1969 to 1972. Each Apollo mission had a team of astronauts, with two astronauts landing and walking on the moon's surface during each mission.

Who where the last astronauts on the moon and when?

Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt were the last astronauts to walk on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972.

Who put their footprint on the moon?

The 12 Apollo astronauts have left their footprints on the moon.

Who went the moon?

12 Apollo astronauts have walked on the Moon. see Wikipedia entry for Apollo's 11-17

How long did the 12 people stay on the moon?

The 12 people who have walked on the moon during the Apollo missions stayed for varying amounts of time. The longest single stay was about 3 days during the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972, while the shortest stay was less than a day during the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969.

How many astrounot wakl in the moon during Apollo mission?

Twelve astronauts walked on the moon during the Apollo missions.

What year did the three astronauts land on the moon?

Three astronauts never landed on the Moon at the same time, 2 landed on the Moon and 1 stayed in the spaceship. Also, what mission are you talking about- Apollo 11, 12,* 14, 15, 16, or 17? If you mean Apollo 11 then its 1969. *Apollo 13 never made it to the moon.

When did Apollo 12 land on moon?

Apollo 12 landed on the moon on November 1969.