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Tornadoes develop when wind shear (horizontally rolling air) is turned vertical by a thunderstorm and starts it rotating. This turns the thunderstorm into a supercell, a thunderstorm with a powerful, rotating updraft called a mesocyclone. If conditions are right, a downdraft called a rear-flank downdraft or RFD will descend from the storm and wrap around the mesocyclone, tightening and intensifying it and extending it down to the ground, producing a tornado.

A funnel cloud has the general form of a tornado but is not in contact with the ground, while a tornado extends all the way from the clouds to the ground with winds capable of producing damage.

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2mo ago

Tornadoes develop from severe thunderstorms in a specific environment where there is a clash between warm, moist air and cool, dry air. Funnel clouds are rotating columns of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm but do not reach the ground. When a funnel cloud makes contact with the ground, it is classified as a tornado.

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Yes. Tornadoes are a form of weather that develop during severe thunderstorms.

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Tornadoes develop during thunderstorms, which are themselves giant cumulonimbus clouds. Some tornadoes are produced by hurricanes, but most are not.

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A tornado is a vortex of wind. Tornadoes develop from interactions of air currents (wind) within a thunderstorm.

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Tornadoes can develop just about anywhere in the U.S. but are most common on the Great Plains and in the South.

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The troposphere is the part of the atmosphere where nearly all weather occurs. Tornadoes develop from thunderstorms, which develop from the convection of warm, moist air, which can only be found in the lower troposphere.

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No, tornadoes usually develop over land. Hurricanes develop e over warm water.