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The main difference - is size ! With a crewed space vehicle, you have to make it big enough to accommodate the people, and include their life-support systems, propulsion etc. With an unmanned probe - it only needs to be big enough to house the instrumentation and power (batteries & solar panels).

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Crewed space exploration allows for real-time decision-making and human interaction, which can adapt to unforeseen circumstances. However, it is costly, risky, and limited in duration. Space probes are cost-effective, can sustain longer missions, and do not risk human lives, but they lack the adaptability and problem-solving skills of humans.

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Q: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of crewed space exploration and space probes?
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Compare the advanteages and disadvantages of crewed space exploration and space probes?

Crewed space exploration allows for human presence and decision-making, which can adapt to unexpected situations and conduct more complex tasks. However, crewed missions are more expensive, risky, and require life support systems. Space probes are less costly, versatile, and can explore distant and harsh environments without risking human lives, but they lack real-time decision-making and human intuition.

What are the advantages of sending crewed missions instead of probes into spaces?

Crewed missions allow for real-time decision-making and problem-solving, offer opportunities for scientific experimentation and research that require human presence, and foster international collaboration and exploration. Additionally, crewed missions can inspire the public and future generations by showcasing human ingenuity and capability to overcome challenges in space.

What are some advantages and disadvantage of sending crewed missions instead of probes into space?

Advantages of crewed missions include the ability for humans to make real-time decisions, conduct complex tasks, and better cope with unexpected situations. Disadvantages include higher costs, greater risk to the crew's safety, and limitations on mission duration and distance due to life support requirements.

How many Apollo spaceships are there?

There were a total of 15 Apollo missions that had crewed spacecrafts, with Apollo 7 being the first crewed mission and Apollo 17 being the final crewed mission.

What do you know about spacecraft?

Spacecraft are vehicles designed to travel or operate in outer space. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including scientific research, satellite deployment, exploration of other planets, and human spaceflight. Spacecraft can be either crewed (manned) or uncrewed (robotic).

Related questions

Compare the advanteages and disadvantages of crewed space exploration and space probes?

Crewed space exploration allows for human presence and decision-making, which can adapt to unexpected situations and conduct more complex tasks. However, crewed missions are more expensive, risky, and require life support systems. Space probes are less costly, versatile, and can explore distant and harsh environments without risking human lives, but they lack real-time decision-making and human intuition.

What advantages and disadvantages does a crewed space exploration and space probes?

Manned missions allow for real time interaction with the environment instead of waiting for sent commands to be processed, and confirmation returned. But manned missions require expensive, large habitable environments and support systems to keep the astronauts alive.

What are the advantages of sending crewed missions instead of probes into spaces?

Crewed missions allow for real-time decision-making and problem-solving, offer opportunities for scientific experimentation and research that require human presence, and foster international collaboration and exploration. Additionally, crewed missions can inspire the public and future generations by showcasing human ingenuity and capability to overcome challenges in space.

What are some advantages and disadvantage of sending crewed missions instead of probes into space?

Advantages of crewed missions include the ability for humans to make real-time decisions, conduct complex tasks, and better cope with unexpected situations. Disadvantages include higher costs, greater risk to the crew's safety, and limitations on mission duration and distance due to life support requirements.

How many Apollo spaceships are there?

There were a total of 15 Apollo missions that had crewed spacecrafts, with Apollo 7 being the first crewed mission and Apollo 17 being the final crewed mission.

What do you know about spacecraft?

Spacecraft are vehicles designed to travel or operate in outer space. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including scientific research, satellite deployment, exploration of other planets, and human spaceflight. Spacecraft can be either crewed (manned) or uncrewed (robotic).

What types or classification of spacecraft is in use?

Spacecraft can be classified into categories such as crewed spacecraft (manned missions), robotic spacecraft (unmanned missions), satellites (for communication, weather monitoring, etc.), probes (for interplanetary exploration), space stations (like the ISS), and landers (for missions to other celestial bodies). Each type serves a specific purpose in space exploration and research.

Where was the apostles crewed?

because it was written in australia in the outback

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What are the advantages of using space probes instead of crewed missions?

I think it might be because probes are cheaper and just in case something goes wrong, it would not end up resulting in loss of life. (Just an opinion though.)

Why do some spacecraft carry people and others do not?

Spacecraft that carry people are designed for crewed missions, where humans are directly involved in operations such as scientific research, space exploration, or missions to the International Space Station. Uncrewed spacecraft, on the other hand, are used for missions where human presence is not necessary or would be too risky, such as satellite deployment, planetary exploration, or cargo resupply missions.

How many pirates crewed a pirate ship?

Depends what ship.