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No. It would be impossible. The moon doesn't matter that much but the sun does. The sun is what keeps plants alive which gives us oxygen. The sun also gives us warmth and keeps us from freezing to death. I hope this helps. Give me a trust point please if it does!

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Q: Can you live without the sun or moon?
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What does the moon have that the sun and moon don't have?

The moon has a gravitational effect on Earth that causes tides, which is not caused by the sun. Additionally, the moon has a surface with craters and mountains, while the sun is a ball of hot gases without a solid surface.

What is better the sun or the moon?

well the sun keeps us alive and without the sun we wouldn't be able to see the moon anyway. this is really a matter of your own opinion. but i agree with the person abuv me. we need the sun 2 live and see. although, there isn't really a chance that the moon will blind, burn u or give u cancer.

What actors and actresses appeared in Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky - 1981?

The cast of Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky - 1981 includes: Spencer Shaw as Narrator

How is the moon able to block out the sun?

The moon comes between us and the sun. Although the moon is actually much smaller than the sun it is much closer. You can block out the sun with your hand without difficulty.

Does the Moon need the Sun for its brightness?

Yes it does. It couldn't shine without the sun reflecting off of it.

Can you live without a moon?

no stop asking

How are the sun moon and earth connected to your life?

The earth is where we live on. It supports all the needs living things need. The moon slows down the earth's rotation and protects us from big meteorites. The Moon's gravitational field is likely to attract most big meteorites and cause them to strike the the moon. The moon is moving 4 cm away from earth every year. Without the moon a day on earth would last only 6 hours. The Sun provides us with light and heat. Without the sun life on earth would be too cold to exist.

Why does the moon depend on the sun to shine?

The moon does not produce its own light; it reflects sunlight to shine. The sun's light illuminates the moon, making it visible to us on Earth. Without the sun's light, the moon would appear dark and invisible.

What does sun begotten?

It means "born of the sun". The sun gives life. Without it nothing can live.

What does sun-begotten?

It means "born of the sun". The sun gives life. Without it nothing can live.

Can a planet without a moon have tides?

no a planet with out moons can not have tides because it will not have that second gravitaional pull both from the sun and the moon

The moon has no?

The moon has no light of its own, but reflects light from the sun.