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Stalactites and stalagmites are classified as precipitates, a type of chemical sedimentary rock. Yes, rocks can grow like stalactites and stalagmites.

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No, rocks cannot grow like stalactites and stalagmites. Stalactites and stalagmites are formed from minerals that are deposited from water dripping in caves over thousands of years, while rocks are solid masses that do not exhibit the same type of growth.

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Q: Can rocks grow like stalactites and stalagmites?
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How does stalactites and stalagmites form?

Stalactites are formed when water dripping from a cave's ceiling leaves behind mineral deposits that hang down like icicles. Stalagmites, on the other hand, form when these mineral deposits build up on the floor of the cave from the dripping water, eventually creating a pillar-like structure. Over time, stalactites and stalagmites can grow closer together and eventually meet to form a column.

What are Stalactites and stalagmites in caves?

Stalactites are formations that hang from the ceiling of a cave and are formed by water dripping and leaving mineral deposits behind. Stalagmites are formations that grow up from the cave floor as a result of mineral deposits accumulating from water dripping onto the cave floor. Over time, stalactites and stalagmites can grow towards each other and eventually merge to form a column.

Which formation in a cave rise from the floor stalagmites or stalactites?

Stalagmites rise from the floor of a cave, while stalactites hang from the ceiling. Stalactites form as mineral-rich water drips from the cave ceiling and creates a downward-pointing structure, while stalagmites are formed when the dripping water lands on the cave floor and builds upward.

Do stalactites form quicker than stalagmites?

No, stalactites generally form more slowly than stalagmites. Stalactites are formations that hang from the ceiling of caves and are created by mineral-rich water dripping from above, while stalagmites grow from the ground up as mineral deposits accumulate from water dripping onto the cave floor. The rate of growth for both formations can vary depending on factors like the mineral content of the water and the size of the cave.

How do stalactites and stalagmites form?

Stalactites icicles-like formations that hang from the ceiling of caves and are formed by minerals dripping down and hardening over time. Stalagmites are cone-like formations that grow up from the cave floor as mineral deposits accumulate from dripping water. Together, these formations are created by the slow mineral deposition process of water seeping through the cave ceiling.

Related questions

Why are stalagmites and stalactites sedimentary rocks?

stalactites and stalagmites are sedimentary rock becausethey are made from sediment that as formed together. just like how igneous rock is formed by lava or magma that has cooled over time.

Are stalactites found on the bottom of caves?

no, stalactites grow from the ceiling, like an iceicle. stalagmites grow from the ground and stand up. A way to remember it is stalactite has a "c" for ceiling and stalagmite has a "g" for ground no, stalactites grow from the ceiling, like an iceicle. stalagmites grow from the ground and stand up. A way to remember it is stalactite has a "c" for ceiling and stalagmite has a "g" for ground

Do stalagmites and stalactites have cells?

No, stalagmites and stalactites do not have cells because they are formed from the slow deposition of minerals in caves. They are made up of mineral material such as calcite or aragonite, rather than living organisms like cells.

Which formation in a cave rise from the floor stalagmites or stalactites?

Stalagmites rise from the floor of a cave, while stalactites hang from the ceiling. Stalactites form as mineral-rich water drips from the cave ceiling and creates a downward-pointing structure, while stalagmites are formed when the dripping water lands on the cave floor and builds upward.

Explain why stalactites and stalagmites are sedimentary rocks?

Stalactites and stalagmites are sedimentary rocks because they are formed from the accumulation of mineral deposits over time. Water drips from the ceiling of a cave, carrying dissolved minerals which solidify and build up to form these structures. This process of deposition and solidification is characteristic of sedimentary rock formation.

These formations form in pillars on the floor of a cavern.?

They are stalagmites.

Where are stalagmites found?

CAVES! These are the dripstones (like stone icicles) that hang from the ceiling (stalactites) or the ones growing upward from the floor (stalagmites). The easiest way to remember which is which--imagine that the stalactites are hanging on tightly to the ceiling.

What are Stalactites and stalagmites in caves?

Stalactites are formations that hang from the ceiling of a cave and are formed by water dripping and leaving mineral deposits behind. Stalagmites are formations that grow up from the cave floor as a result of mineral deposits accumulating from water dripping onto the cave floor. Over time, stalactites and stalagmites can grow towards each other and eventually merge to form a column.

What one hangs from the ceiling a stalagmite or a stalactite?

stalagmites are on the ground, stalactites are on the ceiling.( there was a rhyme for it but I forgot) :) +++ Try "c for ceiling, g for ground". I think the rhyme you mean is something like, "Stalagmites might reach the roof, stalactites hang on tight"!

The formation of stalactites and stalagmites occurs in the zone of saturation?

yes,it occurs

How are stalactits formed?

Stalactites are formed through calcium carbonate deposits made by mineral rich water dripping through the ceiling and onto the floor of the cave. The water evaporates, leaving the calcium carbonate behind. These deposits form a stalactite, like an icicle hanging from the cave roof. Don't mix Stalactites and Stalagmites up, Stalactites are on the Ceiling (C in stalactites) and Stalagmites are on the ground (G in stalagmites).Remember this way: The Mites go up, and the Tites go down.

What is the difference between stalacmites and stalatites?

Stalactites hang from the ceiling of caves and are formed by mineral-rich water dripping down, while stalagmites grow up from the floor of caves from the mineral deposits left behind by dripping water. Stalactites have a tapering icicle-like shape, while stalagmites are more mound-like and grow upward.