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Q: Can cause long term environmental change by blowing dust and gas into the sky?
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What can cause long-term environmental change by blowing dust and gases in the sky using the letters navoolc?

Volcanic eruptions can release ash and gases to the atmosphere, causing long-term environmental changes. These emissions can affect climate by blocking sunlight and cooling the Earth's surface. Additionally, volcanic ash can alter ecosystems and soil fertility.

What environmental hazards cause conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis may be caused by environmental hazards, such as wind, smoke, dust, and allergic reactions caused by pollen, dust, or grass.

What can cause long term environmental change by blowing dustand gases into the sky?

Volcanic eruptions can release large amounts of dust and gases into the sky, causing long-term environmental changes such as cooling the Earth's surface by blocking sunlight. Additionally, human activities like industrial processes and large-scale agriculture can release pollutants into the atmosphere, leading to air pollution and climate change over time.

Can cause long- term environmental change by blowing dust and gases into the sky?

Volcanoes. Right now a volcano in Alaska has shut down much of the air travel there due to blowing volcanic ash 20,000 feet in the air.

What environmental conditions may cause damage to the alveolar sacs?

Coal dust, silica dust, and asbestos, which may lead to pulmonary fibrosis

What does environmental antecedent mean?

Environmental antecedents refer to the events, circumstances, or conditions in the surrounding environment that precede and influence behavior. These antecedents can include things like social interactions, physical surroundings, and situational cues that can prompt or discourage specific behaviors. Identifying and understanding environmental antecedents is important in behavior analysis and intervention to modify or shape behavior effectively.

How can you prevent dust from blowing?

Wet the dust. It will blow when it dries again, but if it is a dusty dirt road, building an asphalt road would prevent the dust blowing. Or if it is ground, planting vegetation such as grass would reduce the levels of dust.

What color was the dust for the dust bowl?

It was loose blowing dirt so it would have been a grayish brown.

A major environmental crisis of the 1930s was known as?

The major environmental crisis of the 1930's was known as The Dust Bowl, or as the Dirty Thirties.

What was the major environmental crisis of the 1930s?

Dust Bowl

How do emus protect dust from blowing into their eyes?

A magical wizard lives in their eyelids

How do you clean PS2?

Blowing or vacuuming air is a safe way to remove dust