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Q: Can a laser thermometer read air temperature?
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A hot air balloon rises and a thermometer measures temperature though what procces?

The thermometer measures the temperature of the surrounding air in the hot air balloon. As the balloon ascends, it moves through different layers of the atmosphere where temperatures may vary. The thermometer helps to indicate how the temperature changes with altitude.

Do thermometers that are facing south read higher temperatures?

No, the direction a thermometer is facing should not affect the temperature reading. Temperature is a measurement of the kinetic energy of molecules in the air and is not influenced by the direction of the thermometer.

What does the thermometer measure in the atmosphere?

A thermometer measures the temperature of the atmosphere, indicating how warm or cold the air is at a specific location.

Who invented the air thermometer?

In the early 11th century, Ibn Sina invented the air thermometer (and commonly known in English by his Latinized name Avicenna) can also read the above sources.j'ju;jiopih[p;oihuoi;hoihoiu

How is a thermometer used to predict the weather?

A thermometer measures temperature data, which is one aspect used in weather prediction. By observing trends in temperature over time, meteorologists can make inferences about potential weather patterns and changes. However, a thermometer alone is not sufficient for accurate weather prediction, as other factors like air pressure, humidity, and wind patterns also play a significant role.

Related questions

How do you test the temperature of the air?

You can test the temperature of the air using a thermometer designed for measuring air temperature. Simply place the thermometer in the area where you want to measure the temperature and read the display. Be sure to avoid blocking the airflow around the thermometer for an accurate reading.

How do you check grill temperature of split ac?

Temperature major through a thermometer, one is contact type thermometer another one non contact type.Non contact type thermometer known as laser thermometer. With non contact type thermometer or leaser thermometer you will read out temperature from a particular long distance without contact the particular point which temperature want to know.Contact type thermometers are glass type thermometers, analogue or digital read out type. Digital thermometer and analogue dial read out type thermometer have a sensor and that sensors must be to touch hot or cold point to read the temperature.Best use of contact type thermometer is uses full in a closed area. To know grill temperature of a slip Air Condition best use nonContact thermometer to read exact temperature.

If thermometer is placed in sun light then which thing it will read the temperature of air or of sun or surrounding?

A thermometer placed in sunlight will measure the temperature of the air surrounding it, not the temperature of the sun itself. The sun's rays can heat up the air, which in turn affects the temperature measured by the thermometer.

What procces a hot Air balloon rises and a thermometer measures temperature?

read your science book.

A hot air balloon rises and a thermometer measures temperature though what procces?

The thermometer measures the temperature of the surrounding air in the hot air balloon. As the balloon ascends, it moves through different layers of the atmosphere where temperatures may vary. The thermometer helps to indicate how the temperature changes with altitude.

Does a thermometer tell you air pressure?

No, a thermometer measures temperature, not air pressure. Air pressure is typically measured using a barometer.

Do thermometers that are facing south read higher temperatures?

No, the direction a thermometer is facing should not affect the temperature reading. Temperature is a measurement of the kinetic energy of molecules in the air and is not influenced by the direction of the thermometer.

How a thermometer is used?

A thermometer is used to measure air temperature, or the temperature within a solid or liquid.

How is air temperature measured?


What instrument measures hot or cold air?

A thermometer is used to measure the temperature of air, indicating whether it is hot or cold. Temperature readings are typically displayed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

How is a thermometer able to measure air?

a barometer is used to measure the air pressure, not a thermometer! A thermometer is used to measure the temperature.

What does it mean when a dry bulb thermometer reads the same temperature as a wet bulb thermometer?

When a dry bulb thermometer and a wet bulb thermometer read the same temperature, it indicates that the air is saturated with moisture and the relative humidity is 100%. This means that the air cannot hold any more moisture, resulting in no difference in temperature readings between the dry bulb and wet bulb thermometers.