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Q: At some point in years 1900 and 1999 there was a year that could be read weather right side up or upside down what is it?
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At some point in years 1900 and 1999 there was a year that could be read the same whether read right side up or upside down. What year was that?


Which mirror gives an upside down image and goes right side up when you get closer to it?

A concave mirror gives an upside down image at a certain distance called the focal point. As you move closer to the mirror beyond the focal point, the image flips and becomes right side up.

If a word reads one way from left to right but when looked at upside down reads another word - what is this called?

Something that looks the same upside down has point symmetry.

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He seems to be right handed as he played guitar right handed. As talented as Brad Paisley is though ... he could do it left or right upside down behind his back ;)

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You could just go straight

When flying south why dont you go upside down?

Birds and other animals that fly south during migration follow natural navigational cues such as the sun, stars, and landmarks. They do not need to go upside down because their internal compasses and instinctual behaviors guide them in the right direction. Additionally, flying upside down may not be aerodynamically efficient and could pose risks to their safety.

What do you call an image that is upside down and reversed from left to right?

An image that is upside down and reversed from left to right is called an inverted or mirrored image.

What does rotational symentry mean?

it means that if you are looking at a shape of a triangle then will it be able to go upside down looking the same way? well no it wont the point was on top not on the bottum right?

What year between 1900 and 1999 can be read right side up or upside down?

1961 can be read the same way right side up and upside down.

What is an image that is one word right side up and another upside down?

The word "NOON" is an example of an image that reads the same right side up and upside down.

How could you determine the amount of fluid lost during a workout a hot weather?

Weigh yourself right before and right after the workout session.

How could you determine the amount of fluid lost during the workout in hot weather?

Weigh yourself right before and right after the workout session.