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Speed is a scalar measure. That means that it is represented by a single number. Velocity is a vector measure. That means that it is represented by a pair of numbers (speed and direction).

Even though the Moon has approximately constant speed in its revolution around Earth, its velocity is constantly changing due to the pull of Earth's gravity.

Do a thought experiment: imagine a stone tied to a length of string. Imagine pulling the string in such a way that the stone travels around you in a circle. This shows that an orbit is established by a pulling force (a centripetal force). If the string broke, the stone would continue moving in the same direction it was already traveling, but its path would become approximately a straight line because there is no longer a centripetal force pulling it into a circular orbit.

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The moon's velocity is not constant because it travels in an elliptical orbit around the Earth, rather than a circular one. Its speed varies depending on its distance from the Earth, as described by Kepler's second law of planetary motion. This means the moon moves faster when it is closer to the Earth and slower when it is farther away.

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Q: Assume that the moon travel at constant speed in a circular orbit around the earth is the moon's velocity is constant.explain your answer.?
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Assume that the moon travel at constant speed in a circular orbit around the earth is the moon's velocity is constant?

Yes, since the moon is in a circular orbit around the Earth, its velocity is constant but its direction is changing continuously as it moves around the Earth. This constant velocity is necessary to maintain the circular motion without drifting away or falling into the Earth.

Is it correct to assume a motion of constant speed?

It depends on your setting. If the net force on an object is zero than the object will move with a constant speed. It will also move with a constant speed (but not velocity!) if a force forces the object to move in a circular motion.

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Circular motion is an example of constant acceleration because even though the speed of the object moving in a circle is constant, the direction of velocity is continuously changing. This change in direction indicates acceleration, as acceleration is defined as any change in velocity, including changes in direction.

What can you assume if an object has a constant velocity?

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No, a car cannot move with changing velocity while maintaining a constant speed. Velocity is defined as speed in a specific direction, so any change in velocity indicates a change in either speed or direction of motion. If the car is changing velocity, it means it is accelerating or decelerating, so it cannot be moving at a constant speed.

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An object falling at terminal velocity is moving at constant speed (that's what terminal velocity means) and we will assume it is not changing direction (i.e. it is falling straight down; in reality it is more likely to be bobbing and weaving on the wind.) Constant speed and direction is another way of saying constant velocity. when an object is acted upon by a net force, it's velocity changes. So, since we know that the velocity is not changing, there is no force.

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The net force acting on a falling object at terminal velocity is zero. This is because the force of gravity pulling the object down is balanced out by the air resistance pushing up on the object. As a result, the object no longer accelerates and falls at a constant speed.

What is the difference between uniform velocity and on uniform velocity?

Uniform velocity is when an object travels in a straight line at a constant speed. Non-uniform velocity is when an object's speed and/or direction changes as it moves.

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A uniform circular motion occurs when an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed. This motion requires a centripetal force directed towards the center of the circle to keep the object moving in a circular path without changing its speed.

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The relationship between radial force and angular velocity squared is described by the centripetal force equation, which states that the radial force required to keep an object moving in a circular path is equal to the mass of the object times the square of its angular velocity, multiplied by the radius of the circular path. This relationship shows that an increase in angular velocity will result in a corresponding increase in the radial force needed to maintain the object's circular motion.

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