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They can be. Stars are very hot and can emit harmful amounts of radiation. At the same time, without stars there would be no life.

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Q: Are the stars dangerous in space?
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What is the duration of Space Stars?

The duration of Space Stars is 3600.0 seconds.

When was Space Stars created?

Space Stars was created on 1981-09-12.

When did Space Stars end?

Space Stars ended on 1982-09-11.

Why do space have stars?

We have stars because the main star is the sun and there is other stars in space that are luminous globes of heat.

What are stars in space called?

The same as on Earth - Stars

What are other stars in the world?

There are no stars in the world: they are to be found in space.

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Is the study of the moon stars and the other objects in space?

Astronology is the study of the moon, stars and other objects in space.

Howmany stars do you have in space?

You have no stars in space because you own none of them. -Spencer Klimek, Dec. 21, 2008 You have no stars in space because you own none of them. -Spencer Klimek, Dec. 21, 2008

What traveler has seen the stars from the space shuttle?

Astronauts who have traveled to space aboard the space shuttle have seen the stars from the spacecraft's windows. Seeing the stars from space is a unique and awe-inspiring experience that very few people have had the opportunity to witness.

What views stars from space?

Anything that is in space looking anywhere.

Why is there only one star in space?

There are billions of stars in space.