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Q: Are maracas usable in space
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How is a space probe different from a space shuttle?

a space shuttle is re-usable

Difference between space shuttle and space probe?

The Space Shuttle is a large, complex, manned spacecraft that is designed to carry people, satellites, probes, parts of space stations, or experiments into low-Earth orbit. It is re-usable and has flown many times. Probes, on the other hand, are small, unmanned, robotic spacecraft that are sent to explore other moons, planets, or asteroids. There are many different types of probes, each designed for a specific mission. Probes are not re-usable and are destroyed or abandoned after they have completed their missions. Several examples of probes include the Galileo spacecraft, the Voyager spacecraft, the Mariner spacecraft, and the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity.

What is the motion of space shuttle?

The space shuttle moves by using its engines to lift off from Earth, then travels through space by following a predetermined flight path. In orbit, the shuttle moves at a speed of around 17,500 miles per hour in order to maintain its trajectory around the Earth. During reentry, the shuttle uses its heat shield to protect itself from the intense heat generated by atmospheric friction.

What is the disadvantage of dome-shaped roof?

One disadvantage of a dome-shaped roof is that it can be more expensive to construct compared to traditional flat or sloped roofs. Additionally, dome roofs may require more specialized maintenance and repairs due to their unique shape, which can also increase overall costs. Finally, the interior space under a dome-shaped roof may have limited usable space or design flexibility compared to other roof styles.

What is the Welsh for space?

Lle (place) Gwagle (space, void) Gofod (space) Encyd (space; while) Ysbaid (space of time)