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Q: Am a Titan the son of Gaea and Uranus and the father of Helios Who are you?
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Son of Gaea and Uranus and father of Helios?


Who was the son of gaea and uranus and the father of helious?

(*Helios) Hyperion

The youngest and most powerful of Uranus and Gaea's Titan children?

Kronos was the youngest and most powerful of Uranus and Gaea's Titan children. He ultimately overthrew his father, Uranus, and became ruler of the Titans before being overthrown himself by his own son, Zeus.

Is zeus god of the sky father to Helios god of the sun?

The mother of Zeus was Rhea, his father was Kronos: both children of Gaea and Uranus - and siblings of Hyperion and Theia - the father and mother of Helios. Thus, they are cousins.

What is the youngest and most powerful of Uranus and Gaea's Titan children called?

The youngest and most powerful of Uranus and Gaea's Titan children is Cronus. He overthrew his father Uranus and ruled during the Golden Age in Greek mythology, before being overthrown by his own son Zeus.

Who was the father of Gaea's children?

The father of Gaea's children was Ouranos (Uranus).

What is the youngest and most powerful of Uranus and gaea's titan children?


Who was the titan?

The first titan was Gaea, the titan of earth. She married her son Uranus (kind of creepy). She was born by the darkness, emptiness and stillness that was.

Is Zeus the son o0f gaea and uranus?

No, Zeus is not the son of Gaea and Ouranos, he is their grandson from their Titan children Cronus and Rhea.

Who was rhea mother and father?

her mothe and father were uranus and gaea

Who was the first titan?

The first titan was Gaea, the titan of earth. She married her son Uranus (kind of creepy). She was born by the darkness, emptiness and stillness that was.

Who is the youngest and most powerful of Uranus and Gaea's titan children in Greek mythology?
