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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

While there is no concrete evidence to suggest that Hypatia invented the astrolabe, she was known for her expertise in astronomy and mathematics. It is possible that she made significant contributions to the development or refinement of the astrolabe, but this cannot be definitively proven. Hypatia's work and teachings did have a profound impact on the scientific community during her time.

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Q: Although the biographer cannot prove it she believes strongly that Hypatia invented the astrolabe?
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Did Hypatias biographer think she invented the astrolabe?

No, Hypatia's biographer did not think she invented the astrolabe. The astrolabe was a navigational tool that existed long before Hypatia's time, and she was known for her contributions to mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy rather than its invention.

Her biographer conclusively proves that Hypatia did invent the astrolabe?

There is no conclusive proof that Hypatia invented the astrolabe. It is believed that she made significant contributions to mathematics and astronomy, but the exact origins of the astrolabe are unclear as it existed before her time.

Hypatia did invent the astrolabe?

Hypatia did not invent the astrolabe; this instrument for measuring the altitude of stars was developed centuries before her time. Hypatia was a renowned mathematician and philosopher in ancient Alexandria, known for her contributions to astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy.

Who invented a astrolabe?

The astrolabe was invented by the ancient Greeks, specifically by Hipparchus in the 2nd century BCE.

The astrolabe was invented by whom?

it was invented around 200BC by Hipparchus

It is likely that Hypatia invented the astrolabe?


Why was astrolabe invented?

A possible reason the astrolabe was invented was as a means to help predict the positions of the sun and stars for Astrology, which was thought to govern the lives of men.

Was the astrolabe invented through the Muslim world?

Yes it was

What year was the astrolabe invented?

The astrolabe was invented around 150 BC. Its exact origins are not known, but it is believed to have been developed by the Greeks or the Hellenistic Egyptians.

What is the navigational tool invented by the Muslims?

The astrolabe is a navigational tool invented by the Muslims. It was used to determine the position of celestial objects in the sky, allowing sailors and travelers to navigate accurately.

When did hypatia invent the hydrometer and pane astrolabe?

Hypatia did not invent the hydrometer or the astrolabe. The hydrometer is believed to have been invented by Archimedes in Ancient Greece around 250 BC, while the astrolabe dates back to ancient Greece and was further developed by Islamic astronomers in the medieval period. Hypatia was a renowned mathematician and philosopher in ancient Alexandria, known for her contributions to mathematics and astronomy.

What country invented the astrolabe?

The astrolabe was not invented by a single country, but its development can be traced back to ancient Greece. It was further refined by Islamic astronomers during the Middle Ages and later used by European navigators during the Age of Exploration.