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1- Hades bears a grudge against his two brothers Zeus and Poseidon.

2- If the gods fight each other, thousands of people would die and go to the underworld, thus enlarging the number of Hades's minions to the point where he could possibly rise up and overthrow his brothers to become king of the gods.

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2mo ago

According to Chiron in "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief," the evidence suggesting that Hades stole the lightning bolt includes the fact that Percy's mother was taken to the Underworld, which is associated with Hades. Additionally, Percy experienced moments of memory loss, which suggests he could have been manipulated to steal the bolt without his knowledge.

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ncjfenvjkernwfvfendfjramie ajfsdbvgrhgrhgbbtrhbtrbgtrbgbtrvbfbvfdbbvdsbdghthyhhbfdfbfhjfvbdnjdbfbfcdhafbabferhbfrhgbtrrbt ergbvhebfrhbfer frefbrhf hfbrehfbekbfehjwfhewrhvrhgrhbgwrufbrufrh

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no that is incorrect

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Q: According to Chiron what evidence suggests that hades stole the lighting bolt?
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Who are all the characters in the lighting thief?

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What are Grovers rivals from the Lighting thief Book?

Also Chiron, the Hunters of Artemis (kind of), and nymphs, also naiads or something like that.

What does chiron mean?

i am pretty sure that Chiron is a godess

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chiron's rivals are titans, and Ares

What is chiron's last name?

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