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A tornado.

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2mo ago

A serve storm that forms as a rapidly rotating funnel cloud is called a tornado. Tornadoes are characterized by their destructive winds that can cause significant damage to the surrounding area. It is important to take shelter and follow safety precautions when a tornado is approaching.

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Q: A serve storm that forms as a rapidly rotating funnel cloud is called?
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What severe storm that forms as a rapidly rotating funnel cloud?

A tornado is often visible as a funnel cloud.

What do you call a destructive vortex of rotating winds with a funnel shaped cloud appearance?

That is called a tornado. It is a rapidly rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the Earth and a cumulonimbus cloud.

A severe storm that forms from a rapidly rotating funnel cloud is a?

tornado. Tornadoes are violent, dangerous rotating columns of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, forming a destructive vortex.

When the tip of the funnel cloud touches the ground it becomes a?

tornado clouds

What is a funnel-shaped cloud called?

A funnel-shaped cloud is called a tornado. It is a violent rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes are capable of causing significant damage and are associated with severe weather events.

When a tornado has not touched the ground yet what is it called?

When a tornado has not touched the ground yet, it is called a funnel cloud. A funnel cloud is a rotating cone-shaped cloud descending from the base of a thunderstorm but not reaching the ground. Once it touches the ground, it is classified as a tornado.

True or false a tornado is a funnel cloud that has touched the ground?

True. A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground, and when it touches the ground it is then classified as a tornado. The funnel cloud is the visible condensation funnel attached to the rotating column of air but becomes a tornado once it touches the ground.

What kind of cloud is a rotating column of air that doesn't touch the ground?

A rotating column of air that does not touch the ground is typically referred to as a funnel cloud. Funnel clouds are associated with severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, and they can form from rotating updrafts within the storm's cloud base. If a funnel cloud reaches the ground, it becomes a tornado.

What is a funnel cloud that makes strong wind noises called?

A funnel cloud that makes strong wind noises is called a whistling funnel cloud. This phenomenon occurs when the wind rushes through the funnel cloud, creating a distinctive whistling sound due to the varying air pressures within the rotating column of air.

What is a twisting funnel cloud called?

A twirling funnel cloud is referred to as a tornado. Tornadoes are characterized by a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground. They can cause significant damage due to their high winds and should be taken seriously.

What is the funnel of a tornado called?

tornado is often made visible by a distinctive funnel-shaped cloud. Commonly called the condensation funnel, the funnel cloud is a tapered column of water droplets that extends downward from the base of the parent cloud. It is commonly mixed with and perhaps enveloped by dust and debris lifted from the surface.

Are tornadoes formed by storm clouds or funnel clouds?

Tornadoes are formed by rotating air within a supercell thunderstorm. The rotating air may initially be present in the form of a funnel cloud, which is a rotating, cone-shaped cloud that does not reach the ground. If the funnel cloud extends to the ground, it is then classified as a tornado.