A satellite revolves around a planet while it is revolving around around the sun (star). For example, moon (earth's natural satellite) revolves around earth while earth is revolving around the sun.
A natural satellite, or a moon.
A moon is an object that revolves around a body larger than itself, typically a planet.
A satellite is an object that orbits around a planet or body in space. There are artificial satellites and natural satellites. An artificial satellite is an object, like a space station, that has been set into orbit around a planet by humans. A natural satellite naturally finds its way into close orbit around a planet, like the moon naturally orbits the Earth.
A large space object that revolves around a star is called a planet. It orbits the star due to gravitational forces and is often part of a solar system.
Any object that revolves around another object in space is called a satilite.
An astronomical object that moves (revolves) around a larger object is called a satellite. A natural satellite of a planet is called a moon.
A satellite revolves around a planet while it is revolving around around the sun (star). For example, moon (earth's natural satellite) revolves around earth while earth is revolving around the sun.
A natural satellite, or a moon.
a moon, or moonlet.
A moon is an object that revolves around a body larger than itself, typically a planet.
Anything that revolves around that planet. (moon, debris, etc)
Objects such as moons or satellites that revolve around a planet are typically referred to as "natural satellites" or "moons." Artificial satellites placed in orbit around a planet are simply called "satellites."
A satellite is an object that orbits around a planet or body in space. There are artificial satellites and natural satellites. An artificial satellite is an object, like a space station, that has been set into orbit around a planet by humans. A natural satellite naturally finds its way into close orbit around a planet, like the moon naturally orbits the Earth.
A large space object that revolves around a star is called a planet. It orbits the star due to gravitational forces and is often part of a solar system.
A natural satellite, or a moon.
The moon is not a planet because it orbits Earth, not the sun. To be considered a planet an object must orbit a star.