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Boths brands are prone to shrinking after washing them, although they give after wearing them.

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Who invented stretchy jeans?

Stretchy jeans were first invented by Peter Golding and Eleanor Ramsay in the 1970s. They created the first stretch denim fabric, known as "stovepipe" jeans, which incorporated spandex into the denim material to make the jeans more form-fitting and comfortable.

Is it bad to sleep with jeans on?

Sleeping with jeans on can be restrictive and uncomfortable, potentially impacting your sleep quality. It also prevents your skin from breathing and may cause skin irritation or contribute to bacterial growth. It is generally recommended to change into more comfortable sleepwear before going to bed.

What to do if you see a weeping angel?

iam going 2 start praying for father son and the holy spirit Whatever you do, don't blink. And don't look into it's eyes. If it gets you, it will either kill you if it is weak or send you back in time. If you look into it's eyes, well... An image of an angel becomes an angel, and the eyes are gateways to the soul. So basically there will be an angel inside you. Freakiest Doctor Who creature E.V.E.R. Although "Blink" was more frightening than "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone" (in my opinion).

What primary color fades fastest?

Among the primary colors, yellow is generally known to fade the fastest when exposed to light. It is more prone to fading compared to red and blue pigments.

Can you shower right after waxing?

It is not recommended to shower immediately after waxing as your skin may be sensitive and more prone to irritation. It is best to wait at least 24 hours before taking a shower to allow your skin to recover.

Related questions


It appears that they both hold up pretty well.

What causes denim jeans shrinkage?

Denim jeans typically shrink due to the presence of cotton fibers that contract when exposed to heat and moisture. Washing jeans in hot water and drying them in a high heat setting can exacerbate this process. Denim with higher cotton content is more prone to shrinking than blends with synthetic fibers.

What is the verb or verb phase in the following sentence he had been shrinking more and more?

been shrinking

What are the disadvantages of natural fabrics?

Natural fabrics like cotton and linen can be prone to shrinking and wrinkling, requiring more care in laundering and maintenance. They may also be less durable and prone to wear and tear compared to synthetic fabrics. Additionally, natural fibers can be more expensive than synthetic alternatives.

What are the advantiges and disadvantages about using natrural fibers?

Advantages of using natural fibers include biodegradability, breathability, and sustainability. However, natural fibers can be prone to shrinking, wrinkling, and damage from pests, as well as being more costly compared to synthetic fibers.

Do you believe that the world or society is shrinking because of the continuous development of information?

no it is shrinking because there are alot more mevadoms being born

Why isn't the earth shrinking?

It's called "physics". We could possibly be more specific if you told us why you thought the Earth ought to be shrinking.

Disadvantages of Cotton When Used In Clothing?

Cotton is prone to shrinking, fading, and wrinkling when washed and dried. It is also not as durable or resilient as other synthetic fibers, making cotton clothing more prone to wear and tear over time. Additionally, cotton requires a significant amount of water and pesticides to grow, contributing to environmental concerns.

How do you keep pie dough from shrinking?

add more fat

Where can one find out more about Joes jeans muse?

One can find out more about Joe's jeans from several different places. Some of the places in which one can find out more information about Joe's jeans from the frequently asked questions page of Joe's jeans.

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Why are women more prone to osteoporosis than men

Are skinny jeans more ex pensive than scarves?

In Gap, Skinny Jeans cost 50.00, and scarves cost 30.00, so yes, skinny jeans are more expensive.