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Have you pressure tested to rule out a blown head gasket? Does the cooling system build up full pressure and start dribbling into the overflow long before the engine is hot? If so, it could be exhaust gas leaking into the cooling system.

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Q: Your subaru legacy 2.5 keeps over heating you have put a new radiator in and replaced the theromostat but it still over heats what would the problem be?
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What if your subaru legacy 2.5 keeps over heating you have put a new radiator in and replaced the theromostat but it still over heats what would the problem be?

Check; coolant, fan, fan clutch and fan clutch solenoid, blocked or partially blocked lines and coolant gallery.

How do you know if your car needs a new thermostat?

If your radiator isnt leaking and car is having a over heating problem and coolant spewing out. Chances are your thermostat needs replaced. possible the radiator needs to be flushed. But more likley its thermostat

Can the hose that goes to your radiator be a problem if it is ripped?

Absolutely, it needs to be replaced immediately.

Why is your 1990 Honda Civic hatchback overheating?

My 1990 Honda Civic Hatchback had a similar problem where it overheated on a seemingly random basis. I first replaced the thermostat, but that did not fix the problem. Then I replaced the water pump, again with no positive result. Finally, I replaced the radiator, which fixed the problem. As it turned out, the radiator had pinhole leaks that caused the problem. Also, when it comes to a leaking radiator, I do not suggest the 'quick fix' of additives to the radiator water that plug holes and stop leaks. These additives can cause more problems than they resolve. The best solution is to replace the radiator.

Your 1993 Pontiac Sunbird LE 4cyl keeps over heating If you remove the thermostat it stays cool I replaced the thermostat twice what could it bevI have no coolantleak or water in the exhaust?

I was having the same problem with my car. When you take the thermostat out it will automatically read cool. But I later found out that I had a leak in my radiator and had to replace it. Turned out that my heads are warped and was leaking oil into my water and into the radiator itself. Once i replaced the radiator its been fine.

What can cause a car to over heat?

Well a possibility is a problem with the radiator, either it needs to be fixed, replaced, or has no radiator fluid in it to cool the engine.

If you have replaced a broken radiator and thermostat on your car and it is still overheating what could be the problem?

Inoperative radiator fans, bad water pump, failed headgasket?

Heating problem in Dodge Intrepid 97 3.5?

i have problem my dodge intrepid 97 v6 3.5 overheating just in the machine not a radiator system

Why would the radiator fan continue to run after the engine stops after the thermostat was replaced on a 2002 Nissan Altima?

Ingeneral, the fan will run only if the temperature of the radiator is above the normal range. If the fan is running, then the radiator must be over temp unless the radiator fan thermostat or it's relay is defective. If the radiator truly is over temp then you have a larger over-heating problem You state the thermostat was replaced. if you replaced the fan thermostat then either the radiator really is over temp and it is doing what it should, or there is a problem with the thermostat-fan relay or switch. If you replaced the engine thermostat that controls the flow of coolent between the engine and the radiator, then that probably wasn't your problem and you should look elsewhere for an overheating cause. I would start by determining if the engine actually is overheating or not. If it is, I would look for coolent system problems like the engine thermostat (if you didn't replace it already), water pump, leaks, scale build up in the radiator, or blockages in the system. If the engine isn't overheating then I would consentrate on the fan, fan thermostat and relays.

1994 Chevrolet cavalier changed heater core and thermostat what next no heat?

im having the same problem with my 1994 I've replaced the heater core,thermostat,radiator,i checked the coolant, and it's not over heating or nothing and still no heat lol

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MY 1995 DAKOTA got hot because the radiator was rusted out. The fins on the radiator would crumble just by touching it. Replaced radiator, problem solved.

2004 Monte Carlo overheats radiator replaced cooling sensor replaced cooling system flushed fans replaced thermostat replaced any suggestions on fixing problem?

you might want to check for a blown head gasket or a cracked head or block. espically if it loosing water out of the radiator with out leaking on the ground.