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Q: Will a Honda b16-a1 fit in my 86' crx easily?
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1.5 fit in a 1986 Honda CRX?

The 1986 Honda CRX already has a 1.5.

Will a D16A1 fit in your 1989 Honda CRX?

No. The d16a1 motor will only fit the first generation crx's

Does an exhaust from a 1988 crx fit on a 87 crx?

The 1988 Honda CRX was a new generation of the model. The exhaust from a 1988 will not fit on a 1987 model.

Will a 1988 Honda CRX motor fit a 1987 crx?

Yes with a little bit of you work. go to you can find every thing you want to no there.

Does a SOHC with 1.5 or 1.6 L engine will fit a Honda CRX 1988 type r engine?

yes because i have a engine 1.6 esi in the crx!!!it will fit

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Yes, it will fit, as they are both D-series motors. However the 95 Civic has a hydraulic clutch, and the 90 crx is just a cable clutch. Also, the 90 CRX motor is OBD0 and the 95 Civic is OBD1.

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yes it will fit ther is no diff. in the cars ex. that the si has a sun roof and a diff motor but the bodys are the same\.

New axel's won't fit on 1989 Honda CRX?

check the nimber of splines

Will a b16 Honda engine fit in my 1985 Honda CRX?

IT has been done before but you will to do some modification i know this much.

Will a mistubishi rims fit on a Honda?

Yes the rims will fit but only on Civics and Crx's and cars that have a 4x100 bolt pattern....

Can you use any Honda 1.5 bottom end on my Honda CRX d15b6?

yes any d15 or d16 bottom will fit.

Will a 86 CRX 1500 fit in an 86 Honda Civic with the 1.5?

Yes, should be the same block