maybe your speed sensor is bad you will get a check engine light on the dashboard too.
The speedometer and odometer may stop working in a Nissan Pathfinder due to an electrical short. It may also need a new spark plug.
I had a similar problem on my old 90 Nissan pathfinder and it ended up been a Speedometer cable that broke.
my odometer sometimes working sometimes not working
If the speedometer breaks, it effects the odometer. Check the speedometer cable it may be broken, even under the insulation.
If the odometer stopped working and the speedometer and cruise control still work, you have a bad odometer. It is part of the speedometer assembly so the whole thing will have to be replaced.
No, this Pathfinder does not have a speedometer cable. It has a speed sensor on the transfer case.
Sorry, it can't be done. You have to change the whole unit because the odometer is tamperproof. Check with your Nissan dealer to see what your options are.
The odometer runs on the same electronic gear driven sensor as the speedometer so if the speedometer is working and the odometer is not the problem is in the "Speed head" (speedometer unit in the dash). Mine and several others I have seen break at about 40,000 and will need replacing.
1998 Nissan Pathfinder the speedometer and heat gauge quit workin?
the speed sensor, trans. sensor , or the speedometer cable
you have to get anew speedometer,speedy bo peep.
The odometer on a 1993 Nissan Quest will stop working if the sending unit has failed. When a signal is not received from the sensor, the odometer is unable to properly update.