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Try replacing the master cylinder and slave cylinder cost under hundred, it's helped me before when my clutch stuck....However if that doesn't work then it may be the pressure plate which requires dropping the transmission...

I have the same issue and am doing the process of elimination, just finished replacing the slave (cost me like $13), now I'm replacing the master cylinder (cost me like $41) but striped the bolt on the pipeline connected to cylinder....FML

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Q: Why is clutch petal stuck to floor 91 accord dx?
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u must bleed the system . fill the clutch master cylinder with dot 3 brake fluid and keep an eye on it when bleeding so it wont run out ,have someone pump clutch pedal 3 times and hold to floor and oper bleeder valve on clutch slave cylinder till no air comes out then go to clutch damper and do the same ,follow clutch line fromclutch master cylinderto damper.

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the piston in your clutch master cylinder is stuck in the cylinder body. you need to remove, hone out, rebuild or buy (best) a new one. on line about $50.

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obviously you have a clutch line or slave cylinder leak.

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if you had this same problum befor u installed the new clutch the trans is stuck betten gears if you can push the clutch in and the veh will roll andyou cant shift it you just mite have put the clutch back word now till me dose you clutch peddle stay on the floor when you push it in?

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Happened to mine if your brake light flashed before like flickering it might be your brake fluids low add some then move your clutch petal half pumpls get the air out. Its a hydrolic so it should pop back up by itself one the air is out and the fluids replenished. Hope this helps