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Fritz Zwicky was a prolific scientist and made important contributions in many areas of astronomy. He was a Swiss Astronomer and physicist. He got a PH.D Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and then moved to U.S in 1925 he stayed there until 1972. He was a Professor of Astronomy from 1942-1968, and worked at California Institute of Technology. He was also President of International Academy of Astronautics. He was the first person to discover evidence for dark matter in galaxies (1933). He Formulated triple-hypothesis: supernovae, neutron stars & cosmic rays (1934).

Dark matter was founded by a man named Fritz Zwicky he was born on Feb. 15, 1898 in Varna, Bulgaria. Fritz was an astronomer and a physicist he studied at Zurich under Peter Deybe and Auguste Piccard, he went to California Institute of Technology under the influence of Robert A. Millikan. There he became Caltech's first professor of astrophysics. He also came out with the term supernova, explaining this phenomenon as ordinary stars transitioning into neutron stars, which he correctly hypothesized as an origin of cosmic rays. Fritz predicted the existence of dark matter; he was also the first scientist to present that the whole galaxy clusters could act as gravitational lenses. On Fritz's spare time he personally witnessed 122 supernovas' more than half of them were known at the time of his death. In a scientific conference in 1933 they got three new ideas. First, massive starts end their life in a massive explosion which blow them apart. Second, the explosions produce cosmic rays. Lastly, they leave behind a collapsed star made of densely-packed neutrons. An explosion of a collapsed star would leave behind a ball of neutrons, which was formed by the crushing and colliding of protons and electrons; which he called a neutron star.

Fritz was the informal founder of and long time researcher at Aerojet Engineering Corporation which is now a subsidiary of GenCorp. Fritz also conducted research in crystals, gaseous ionization, the physics of solid state, slow electrons, and, thermodynamics. Fritz has been working and living in the U.S. for almost 50 years but never became a citizen. Later he died Feb. 8 1974 from heart failure.

Fritz is well known to many places and did many things; he received awards like the Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal, Presidential Medal of Freedom, and International Space Hall of Fame. He also wrote many books: Morphological Astronomy in 1957, in 1962, Catalog of Galaxies and Cluster Galaxies in 1961, New Methods of Thought and Procedure in 1967, Discovery, Invention, Research Through the Morphological Approach in 1969, and, Catalogue of Selected Compact Galaxies and of Post-Eruptive Galaxies in 1971.

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