check out this website it tells you how to repair the handle since it cost about $65.00 to buy a new one.
Her name is Laurel Coppock.
The 2008 Toyota Sienna has 24 valves.
The 2008 Toyota Sienna is a gas-powered vehicle.
The curb weight of the 2012 Toyota Sienna is 4275 lbs..
The maximum payload of the 2008 Toyota Sienna is 1513 lbs..
The 2005 Toyota Sienna is 16 ft. 8 in. (200 in.) long.
The height of the 2002 Toyota Sienna is 5 ft. 7.3 in. (67.3 in.).
The 2005 Toyota Sienna has a 13.3 degrees angle of approach.
The 2001 Toyota Sienna's turning circle is 40 ft..
The 2009 Toyota Sienna has a drag coefficient of 0.30 Cd.
Brianna Lynn Brown