The low side charging port is located high up, near the firewall, on the driver's side, right by the brake master cylinder.
The 2002 Volkswagon Passat OBD 2 port is under dash at left side
The 1998 Nissan Frontier OBD 2 port is under driver side dash near fuse cover
Where is the scanner port for a 2002 Dakota?
According to the Owner Guide , fuse # 3 is a 20 amp fuse for the OBD II scan tool connection and cigarette lighter on a 2002 Ford Expedition
No, a 2002 Dodge does not have an USB port.
It's the same hole as the headphones port.
The port 135 must be open to accept the incoming remote connection to the Service Control Manager (SCM), which provides RPC-based services for DCOM. So the purpose of Port 135 is to allow to client to locate a DCOM service.
That depends on whether the mose has a USB or PS2 connection on it. If it has a USB connection the connector and port for it are as displayed here: If it has a ps2 connection the connector and port are displayed here: If it is this type then you would plug it into the green ps2 port as the purple port is for a keyboard
switch port to router port
A single port can be configured to listen for UDP or TCP inbound connection requests (or both). Telnet uses TCP. So when you telnet to a specific IP:port, telnet will attempt to make a TCP connection. If there is no TCP listener on the port you specify, then the connection request will be refused. It matters not if you have a UDP listener on the port. Telnet will not be able to establish a connection to a UDP port.
The smaller port is the Low side port.