located inside the transmission pan
The average MPG of an Isuzu Amigo is between 17.2 to 18.7. Isuzu Amigo has the convertible styling of a two door wagon. Some of Isuzu Amigo models come with standard cruise control.
Isuzu rodeo 3.2 V6 LS.
Yes. You can find the Isuzu Amigo at the Honda sale dealers.
how much fuel pressure should a 1999 Isuzu amigo have
For the 2.2 liter engine it's located between the fire wall and the engine near the top.
Isuzu Rodeo, Possibly Isuzu Trooper, and The Isuzu Amigo
Inside the fuel tank. you must drop tank to get to it. pain in the butt.
under the pan on the motor, has around 10 bolts. they are under it.
under the hood on the passenger side of the motor bay. in the black fuse box.
The fuel pump is an 'in tank' pump. You have to lower the tank to get to the plate that has the fuel pump attatched.