If you remove the large (3-4" diameter) rubber tube that starts at the airbox and ends at the engine intake, you will see the throttle plate a couple inches inside the bore of the throttle body (where the hose was attached).
The throttle position sensor is located on the throttle plate.
The throttle plate is inside the throttle body on the intake manifold. The throttle cable from the accelerator peddle is connected to the throttle plate shaft on the throttle body. If you remove the air cleaner hose at the throttle body, you will see the disc shaped plate.
The throttle position sensor is located on the throttle plate, straight across from the throttle linkage.
on the side of throttle body at throttle plate!!
It is on the throttle plate right across from the throttle cable.
Could be a frozen throttle plate in throttle body - try to free with a screwdriver in throttle throat
Should be at the bottom of the throttle body throat (inside)
It is on the throttle plate opposite of the bellcrank.
If you are looking for the throttle position sensor, it is located at one end of the throttle plate shaft, on the side of the throttle body, opposite side to where the throttle cable is attached.
It is located on the throttle body, on the engine. It reads how far the throttle plate is opened.
On all cars it is located on the throttle plate. That is where the air intake and throttle linkage are located.
open the trunk and take off the cover and just do it