The starter is on the back of the engine. To remove the starter, disconnect the battery. Remove the air filter and intake assemblies. Next you need to go under the car and disconnect the two wires. You'll nee a 10mm wrench and a 12mm wrench. Next you'll need to come in from the top. There are two bolts (14mm) that connect the starter to the transaxel case. They are identical so don't worry about marking them for reassembly. It's a pretty easy job to do and the starter is small, light and easy to handle.
It is located on the engine block on the opposite side of the exhaust manifold to the right of the starter unit.
1995 and up is .8kw, so it's a direct drive starter
How disconect the alarm tercel 95
Where is the starter on Toyota Camry 1995
Toyato never made Tercels. :P But the Toyota Tercel's brake light switch is located ON the brake pedal just above the viewable area.
not a lot
Easily, if you know how to hypermile.
600 foot pounds
use an OBD-I code reader.