where is the starter located on a hyundai sonata
Spoken like a person who doesnt own a 2000 Hyundai sonata. Don't you know there is a dearth of auto manuals for this particular model? Instead of just writing a flippant answer maybe stop to consider why someone might be inquiring.Answerbuy a manual
The water pump on a 2000 Hyundai Sonata is driven by the timing belt.
The maximum tosing capacity of the 2005 Hyundai Sonata is 2000 lbs..
The maximum tosing capacity of the 2006 Hyundai Sonata is 2000 lbs.
The maximum tosing capacity of the 2004 Hyundai Sonata is 2000 lbs..
The maximum tosing capacity of the 2007 Hyundai Sonata is 2000 lbs..
2000 sonata rear seat removal
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GFRC_enUS205US206&q=change+timing+belt+on+2000+Hyundai+Sonata http://en.allexperts.com/q/Hyundai-Repair-815/2000-hyundai-sonata-timming.htm Everything youneed is in those two links. Good luck.
No. The Accent and the Sonata use a different series of engines. The Sonata transmission in much larger and will not line up.