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It's in the under dash fusebox. there should be a diagram on the fusebox cover labeling which one is for the horn.

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Q: Where is the fuse for the horn in a Honda Civic?
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Where is the horn fuse on a Honda Civic 1992 MX?

the horn is on a fuse with several other systems, it is not on its own fuse. the horn is on a fuse with several other systems, it is not on its own fuse. the horn is on a fuse with several other systems, it is not on its own fuse.

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YES The fuse can be found under the hood near the battery.

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The horn relay is mounted underneath the dashboard on the 1995 Honda Civic. The unit is mounted on the upper right of the cabin fuse box.

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More than likely a blown fuse or defective horn relay.

Need location of a 1997 Honda civic lx horn fuse relay please?

The 1997 Honda Civic Horn relay is found under the drive side dash panel. The relay is mounted next to the starter relay on the right side of the fuse box.

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First Cheack the fuses!!! located under the dash board and check the fuse for the HORN.

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First thing to check is the fuse. If the fuse is good check the relay. If that is good check wiring. Can also be the horn switch or the horn itself.

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What would cause the brake horn fuse to keep blowing out on a 1993 Honda Civic LX?

A short circuit somewhere.

Where is the fuse for the horn in a 1991 Honda civic?

Not positive but I think the newer models (with airbags) use the same fuse for horn and airbag. If you don't have airbags I don't think they used a fuse, it may just be wired directly.

Honda Civic dx fuse box diagram?

I need a fuse diagram for a 1991 Honda civic DX