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whear is the fuil gage fuse on a 1988 pathfinder

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Q: Where is the fuel gauge fuse on 1988 pathfinder?
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Is there a fuse for the fuel gauge of 93xlt ford exployer?

Yes , I believe it is fuse # 17 , a 15 amp fuse for the fuel gauge

Could the fuel gauge have a blown fuse?

Most vehicles have one fuse that protects all the gauges so if the fuel gauge is the only one not working, the fuse is probably okay. Most causes for a inop fuel gauge is a faulty fuel gauge sending unit in the fuel tank.

Where is the fuel gauge fuse for a 2000 Malibu?

fuse 37

Where is the Fuse for the fuel gauge on a 1994 Ranger?

According to my Chilton repair manual , fuse # 16 is a 15 amp fuse for the fuel gauge on a 1994 Ford Ranger

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it would be the fuel gauge relay or fuse located at or located in the vehicle.

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Try checking Fuse #7 10amp under the dash. This is for a 1997 model.

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Where is the fuel pump fuse on a 1989 corvette

Where is the fuel gauge fuse located on a 2003 ford windstar?

One fuse protects the instrument cluster (all the gauges). It should be a 5 or 7.5 amp mini fuse located in the inside fuse center. If the fuel gauge is the only gauge not working, it's not the fuse.

Is there a fuse in the back of the instrument panel for the fuel gauge on a 1989 pathfinder?

if the guage was working intermitently there is a resistor behind the panel. its about a two hour job if i remember correctly, and not to diccicult for a weekend wrench turner.

Where is the fuse for fuel gauge on 1993 ford explorer located?

The 1993 Ford Explorer fuel gauge fuse can be found in the fuse box. The fuse box can be found in the engine compartment. The location of the fuse is listed on the inside cover of the fuse box.

Where is the fuse located for the fuel gauge on a Chevy Caprice Classic?

in the fuse box

Where is the 20 amp inline fuse for the fuel filter in a 1988 firebird?

A fuel filter does not have a fuse.