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Q: Where is the clutch master cylinder on a 2004 suzuki forenza?
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Where is the slave cylinder located on a 1997 suzuki sidekick?

Answer: Normally located down by clutch arm (that sticks out between the engine and transmission). How do you locate it? The clutch pedal depresses a clutch master cylinder on the firewall (driver side). Follow the hose line down to the where the clutch arm is located. NOTE: don't get the brake master cylinder and clutch master cylinder confused, its easy if you do not work on cars regularly.

How do you know if the clutch cylinder on a 97 suzuki sidekick is bad and it is not the clutch?

After you have located the clutch slave cylinder, have someone depress the clutch pedal. You should see the piston of the slave cylinder extend somewhat. If it does not, either the slave cylinder is bad, or the master cylinder, or, there is not enough brake fluid in the system for it to operate properly. Check the level in the master cylinder. If the slave cylinder is leaking profusely, it is probably bad.

Is the 2006 Suzuki Forenza engine an interference engine?

Yes , the 2.0 liter four cylinder engine in a 2006 Suzuki Forenza is an interference engine ( according to the Gates website , they make timing belts etcetera )

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What is the most recent Suzuki Forenza model?

Suzuki produced the Forenza for only five years. The Forenza was introduced in 2004. The last year of production was 2008, therefore the most recent model would be a 2008 Forenza.

1995 Suzuki Intruder 800 Rebuilt Master clutch Cylinder but still won't build Pressure Doesn't seem to be any leaks Any suggestions?

Hello. Check your master cylinder! This is attached on the motor left side. Pobably the cylinder doesn't move or very difficult. It's probably the result off bad, old öl! greets Remco

1998 suzuki intruder 1400 New clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder system has been bled i pull clutch in put in gear and it dies what else is wrong?

First thing to check, is your kick stand down? The Intruder has a safety switch. Next try going to the link as this is a message board that was originally dedicated to the Intruder.

What is the bolt pattern for a suzuki forenza?

4x4.5" or 4x114.3

Where is the starter on 2006 Suzuki forenza?

under the hood