the switch is located on the cluch pedel just like a bracke switch
you must have a clutch. put in second gear and push it and pick up some speed ,then engage cluch and put in second gear and release clutch ,make sure u have the key turned on.
safety switch is located under dash on clutch pedal
your clutch may be slipping ,first check and see if your clutch slave cylinder is leaking,check your clutch master cylinder to see if your fluid level is ok.if level is ok and no leaking slave cylinder,then you probaly need a new cluch.
When the clutch fan locks up it makes a sound like a propeller on a airplane and the more you rev the engine the louder it gets.
look under the dash driver side just above the cluch...that's where it is on my 98
Of course.
1) exsellerate out 2) cluch in (hold) 3) change gear 4) cluch out 5) ecselerate :D
how do i take the fan cluch off a 89 ford ranger yo replace
at the transmission,theres arubber boot with afork coming thru it.and the slave cylinders end is touchig the fork remove 2 bolts holding it on,replace and fill clutch masterwith dot 3 brake fluidand havesomeone pump the clutch afew times ,then open bleeder screw also follow line from cluch master cylider ,there should be another bleeder screw.
try replacing the clutch or check your hydraulic cluch fluid. the fluid tank is located on the firewall, lefthand side.
The centrifugal cluch is the clutch that uses centrifugal force to connect two concentric shafts. The case is the housing that holds it in place.thye are used on many small engines